Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3860 Return to Zhihuang Star

Roger: "······"

It's not that she doesn't know it, it's obvious that Luo Bi is clear in her heart, but the problem is that she doesn't care yet.

This is interesting!

Luo Bi ate the fried river melon seeds and got up to go back to the small living room.

Roger leaned on the leisure chair and opened his mouth lazily: "Give me some. The river melon seeds fried by Li Feng are delicious. When I came here, I didn't even let Li Feng fry a pot."

Roger's family also has river melon seeds, which are not roasted.

With Roger's status, he wouldn't think twice about taking advantage of this.

Luo Bi ran to the kitchen area and got a small plate. The small plate was very delicate and about the size of a palm. She poured a small plate and left it for Roger. She left with a paper bag of fried river melon seeds.

In the afternoon, Luo Huan called Luo Bi and told Luo Bi that Zhan Hui planned to marry Luo Yuan this winter. Luo Yuan returned to Zhihuang Star to discuss it. As the young master of the family, Luo Huan also wanted to go over and chat with Zhan Hui.

They are all cousins ​​of the same generation, so they must join in the fun.

Not only them, but also the aunts are afraid to go.

Luo Bi never got along in the past and no one cared about her, but this time Luo Huan would not let her do as she pleased and asked her to go back together.

Luo Bi: "······"

It's quite novel. In the past, no one would call her if she didn't go.

In this branch of Zhihuangxing's direct line, there are actually several favored ones. No one cares whether the unfavored one goes to the main house or not. No one talks about her if she doesn't go, and no one cares if she does.

For the children of the family in this position, those who like the excitement will generally join in on their own, while those who don't like the excitement and are concerned about it will simply not join in. Who cares?

Actually! It's very sad. You don't care about it, but no one cares about you.

What else to do? Those who are not favored will only feel sad in their hearts.

Luo Bi was most concerned about who was going. She asked, "Is Luo Wan going too?"

Luo Huan didn't think much about it: "She won't go."

Luo Bi smiled sarcastically, "Yeah, what if the tribesmen hold Luo Wan in their hands?" Luo Wan looked down on her clan members at all. Luo Wan and Luo Sha, who were not in the Emperor Star, did not attend such family gatherings.

The family looks down on the incompetent juniors, and the capable ones also look down on the family.

It's great to be in Qixing, where you can make more friends with children from aristocratic families and expand your network.

Back to the family, the clan members could not help Luo Wan and Luo Sha very much.

He was so disgusted, so the clansmen pretended not to notice.

"Okay." Luo Bi wanted to go back and join in the fun.

Qi Xing couldn't play anymore. She wanted to change places and gain experience.

Luo Huan and Luo Bi made an agreement and came to pick up Luo Bi soon. Fengling had already packed up food for Luo Bi, as well as beautiful and rare animal skin dresses. Fortunately, she was returning to Zhihuang Star. Ling had nothing to worry about.

Fengling wanted to go hunting, so she didn't go back with Luo Bi.

Wen Yao wanted to go back to Zhihuang Planet and flew back in a spaceship with Luo Huan and Luo Bi.

Arriving at Zhihuang Star, Luo Huan left in the wind and snow, and Wen Yao sent Luo Bi home.

Luo Bi ate something simple in the evening, drank the medicinal herbs early and went to bed.

The next day, Luo Bi ate a stir-fried jumping shrimp. It was very simple to stir-fry, just add onions, ginger and a little salt. Luo Bi didn't dare to eat too much. She had become really round. She was not tall to begin with, and she would be better off if she got rounder.

But, it seems to have a little more nobility.

After eating, Luo Bi drank the medicinal herbs and then went for a walk in the planting fields.

Nothing was planted in the planting fields, not even wild vegetables grew in winter.

After returning from a walk, Luo Bi put on a beautiful dress and had a princess haircut.

Dressed beautifully, Luo Bi went to her parents' house happily.

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