Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3861 Jealousy

Luo Bi called her mother when she entered the door. Guan Zhuting put down the melon seeds and got up and left the living room.

"Is it freezing?" Guan Zhuting asked.

The snow was a little lighter today. Luo Bi shook her head and said to Guan Zhuting, "I want to go to the main house to play."

"Your aunts are also here." Guan Zhuting said, "If you go, I won't go."

She is getting married for the second time, and it is a matter of the third wife. If Guan Zhuting, the unpopular second sister-in-law, gets involved, the third wife may not be happy. Guan Zhuting doesn't mind this. Instead of making people unhappy, it's better to watch stars and eat melon seeds at home to feel comfortable.

When Luo Bi was about to leave, she asked Guan Zhuting: "Do I look good in this outfit?"

"It looks good." Guan Zhuting answered simply. She noticed that there was no imperial concubine gold, and asked doubtfully: "Where are the new imperial concubine gold earrings you bought? There are so many people today, why don't you bring them?!"

Luo Bi then remembered: "I forgot, I won't bring it with me."

Luo Bi was chatting in the yard and wanted to leave, but she hadn't talked enough yet.

Guan Zhuting asked: "Didn't your brother come back together?"

Luo Bi told her mother what she could remember: "My brother is preparing to hunt with Fengling and the others."

The Thunder Flame warriors around Fengling are all powerful. Guan Zhuting is relieved. Her daughter is considerate. Although she yells at her from time to time, she always thinks of good things. Her son is still capable, and Guan Zhuting is content.

"The energy panels in the main house are not enough, please wear warmer clothes." Guan Zhuting instructed.

Luo Bi didn't take it to heart and walked towards the sports car.

Guan Zhuting looked at the sky: "It's snowing a lot right now, so hurry up and go!"

Luo Bi got into the sports car and drove the sports car slowly, and then chatted with Guan Zhuting: "I bought another sports car. It can levitate. It's very nice."

Guan Zhuting: "······"

Although she is her own daughter, she is still a little envious. Sports cars are not high-end and are only suitable for ordinary star citizens. Anyone with a little ability will choose to buy a hover car, but buying new sports cars all the time will make people jealous.

Besides, Guan Zhuting is not ignorant. The price of a sports car with a suspension function is definitely not low.

"Why buy another sports car?" Guan Zhuting thought one car was enough.

"I bought it as soon as I applied." Luo Bi stopped talking to her mother: "I went to the main house."

Guan Zhuting was even more jealous. The one applied by the military department must be a luxury car.

No, go back and eat a handful of fried river melon seeds.

The Luo family's main house in winter was very busy at this time. Not many of Luo Bi's younger generations came, and they all occupied the warmest space in the small living room in the yard. The aunts were in the living room.

Only a few aunts have arrived, and Liang Meng and Luo Yao haven't come to Zhihuang Star yet.

Luo Huan's cousins ​​were on the hill, either on the hill or in the living room, discussing the marriage, comparing how to prepare the dowry with other families marrying their daughters.

Luo Huan brought a box of jade and was waiting for Luo Bi.

When Luo Bi came, the aunts and juniors did not ignore her as before. They sat around the small living room and called to Luo Bi: "Come on, come on, let's separate the jade stones and make them into beautiful jewelry."

The small chairs were all set up, and there was a place for Luo Bi. She walked to the small living room.

"What jade?" Luo Bi asked Luo Ping.

Luo Ping was chatting with several sisters-in-law. Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment and said, "I didn't even recognize you."

Luo Ping didn't say the reason, and no one asked, but the tribesmen probably knew the reason. Luo Bi also knew that she didn't dress up in the past, but this time she wore a new style of dress and dressed up a bit, and Luo Ping reacted like this.

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