Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3863 Thinking too much

Luo Bi's eyes were filled with confusion, and Luo Ping also said, "No."

Tong Wan spit out a name, but Luo Bi didn't recognize it at all. It seemed to be from a nearby planet.

There were many planets, big and small, around. Only now did Luo Bi truly realize that she had derailed with others. She even didn't recognize the people the little girl knew.

In fact, when everyone sits together and chatters, they generally can’t control their mouths.

However, when Luo Bi asked, she was making riddles one by one.

Luo Bi sneered in her heart, but did not show it on her face. To be honest, although she was a direct branch and was not trained by the Emperor Star family since she was a child, she still knew that her emotions were indistinguishable.

Even if you are unhappy, you cannot show it.

There was a box of low-quality jade on the table, and Tong Wan and Liang Tian each took a piece. This kind of pastime is up to you, usually just grab a piece and play with it by smashing the stone.

Next, Luo Bi and Luo Ping also took them from above and stopped choosing.

An aunt came to the small living room and asked, "Are you playing with jade?"

"Ah, aren't we free!" Tong Wan subconsciously smoothed his hair.

Luo Bi didn't say anything. It was obvious that this aunt wasn't talking to her.

The aunt was not interested in chatting as she was playing with stones. No one paid any attention to the aunt, so she stayed for a while and then walked away.

Originally! What are you talking about while others are playing? ! Who has time to chat with you?

As soon as the aunt left, Tong Wan felt guilty: "Looking at us playing with rocks, others will definitely laugh at us."

Liang Tian smashed the stone without raising her head. Don't underestimate her, the chance of her hitting a jade stone is quite high. Next is Tong Wan, who can pick out a stone with jade by just pulling it.

Luo Bi looked at Tong Wan in confusion. Luo Heng's mother spoke next to her: "What's so funny about this? There's no work in the winter. What's so funny about getting together to smash rocks."

Luo Bi also said: "You think too much."

Everyone was having fun, only those with ulterior motives felt guilty.

It's okay that Tong Wan didn't say this. She expressed her worries. Luo Bi looked at Luo Heng's mother, and Luo Heng's mother looked at her. They both understood immediately. Because she had cheated on her before, she was always worried about others talking about her behind her back.

It was just something for fun, but Tong Wan could actually think too much about it.

The small living room was bustling with jade and jade smashing, and everyone was almost distracted. Only Tong Wan would play with the small optical computer from time to time, take a look at it, and then put it on the table. The small optical computer had a big casing and was not cheap at first glance.

I estimate that it would cost 10,000 interstellar coins.

For the children of big aristocratic families, a small optical computer worth 10,000 interstellar coins is not expensive, but for ordinary star citizens, it is not cheap.

Luo Ping's small optical computer was also placed on the table. The outer casing looked similar to Tong Wan's. In order to make the small optical computer beautiful, a small jade stone was inlaid in it.

Luo Bi's small optical brain is not displayed. It's not as good-looking as others, and she doesn't have any decorations.

Luo Bi was so focused on smashing jade that she didn't pay attention to what others were talking about. Later, Luo Ping shouted: "I will be the princess from now on."

Luo Bi thought she was joking, so she didn't pay attention and just let her yell.

Tong Wan also said that she was the princess, and Luo Bi was also a fool, just smashing jade.

Liang Tian was pregnant, and everyone was holding it. After a while, the aunts brought melons and fruits from the kitchen area. The juniors threw stones, and the aunts brought them to them, eating and playing at the same time.

It's not like the aunts don't know how to serve people when they come.

Luo Bi had almost never eaten anything from the main house. After thinking about it, she didn't want to feel out of place, so she took some melon seeds and started eating them.

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