Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3864 I don’t know who took advantage of it

Luo Bi only wanted jade. When everyone saw the fruits, they ate them one after another.

This family gathering was for Luo Yuan's marriage, so all the expenses were borne by Luo Yuan and the main house. Emperor Xing valued Luo Yuan and Zhan Hui, and also gave a large amount of interstellar coins to entertain the guests.

Luo Yuan's family were not here, so Luo Bi only ate politely.

Looking at Tong Wan, he is much more generous. He picks up the fruits he likes and eats them without even bothering to throw rocks.

As a pregnant woman, Liang Tian ate delicious food, Luo Ping even ate enough of it, and Luo Heng's mother only tasted it. Therefore, compared to her aunt's generation, the younger generation was still too inconsiderate.

This time, Luo Bi finally realized what it was like to be supported by her family, and she didn't know who was taking advantage of her.

Anyway, Tong Wan felt that he had a lot of face, so he finally didn't quarrel with Luo Bi.

Playing in the small living room, Tong Wan could only squeeze Luo Bi, but she didn't dare to squeeze Luo Ping. Even though Luo Ping was young, she had a rough mouth, and Tong Wan couldn't handle the words she replied.

She was even more afraid of Liang Tian. If she dared to confront Liang Tian, ​​Luo Heng's mother would not agree.

Therefore, among several people, only Luo Bi is the softest.

But this time, Tong Wan didn't fight. Maybe it was because Luo Bi was not polite to her and fought back the last few times. There was also a possibility that she had settled down after cheating on her.

Luo Qing came down from the hill and came to the small living room to take a look.

Luo Ping told him: "I will be the princess from now on."

Luo Qing was funny and didn't say anything else.

"Fifth brother, treat me!" Tong Wan shouted, she could not change her habit of treating people when she saw them.

Luo Qing agreed readily: "Okay, I'll treat you to dinner when I have time."

Luo Ping said impatiently: "I'll go too."

"You don't have to tell me, I'll definitely call you!" Tong Wan pretended to be unhappy and said to his companion: "People in your family are partial, and they always think about your cousins ​​and sisters when they have good things. Luo Chang is also partial. .”

Luo Ping smiled and said, "You are the only one who has many things to do."

Luo Heng's mother protected her nephews and scolded them with a smile: "How long have you been missing?"

Liang Tian just pursed her lips and smiled. She never seemed to talk nonsense. Because of her pregnancy, she was mellow and had a good temper. She would not be ignored by everyone when chatting. She was more face-saving than someone who talked a lot.

Luo Bi was observing from the side, and Luo Qing lowered his head and said to Luo Bi, "How many pieces of jade have you smashed?"

Tong Wan glanced in this direction, and Luo Bi smiled and said, "She's about the same as everyone else."

"Let's play!" Luo Qing said in a gentle tone: "If you destroy this box, there will still be some left."

Luo Bi said "Yeah", isn't it just inferior jade? She can go buy it after she has spent enough, but it has to be played well. If Tong Wan is rude again, Luo Bi won't want to play.

Tong Wan just lowered his head and played with the small optical brain without even raising his eyelids. He was so sore.

Luo Bi is still relatively close to her younger cousin. She is playful and doesn't have complex thoughts, at least not at the moment. When she hits the rocks, she thinks of Luo Pingti's past flower viewing on the small planet.

Luo Ping went to get food, and Luo Bi said, "Next time you go to enjoy flowers, call me."

As a result, the words reached the cabbage field, and Luo Ping did not answer.

Luo Bi: "······"

Maybe I didn’t hear it, but after playing it a few times, this little cousin is still okay.

She couldn't think too much just because her cousin didn't answer.

After smashing enough rocks, everyone was very tired from having fun. They packed away the inferior jade and sat down to chat.

Seeing that it was already noon, Luo Bi didn't want to eat in the main house, so she said hello to everyone and went home.

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