Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3865 Useless

When Luo Bi came home, she chatted with Guan Zhuting.

"Tong Wan looks down on people." Luo Bi said to Tong Wan: "She is always arrogant when talking to her. She also wore gold and stone earrings. Unfortunately, the luster is very dim, it must be a defective product."

Guan Zhuting brought the ingredients: "She didn't squeeze you, did she?!"

"No." Luo Bi shook her head, washed her hands and sat down to eat: "Since she came back from her parents' home, she has become less sarcastic. She used to be irritating, but now she's gone."

Luo Hang pushed the plate: "Your mother gave you the delicious fried fish. Try it to see if it tastes good or not."

Luo Bi was not interested in eating and continued to talk, mentioning the doubts in her heart: "I don't know what happened. Last time Luo Ping told me to go to the small planet to enjoy the flowers. This time I asked her to call me next time. He ignored me, and I don’t know if he didn’t hear me.”

Luo Hang hesitated to speak. He was not there and didn't know what the situation was.

Guan Zhuting sat down and asked, "Are you still going this afternoon?"

"Go." Luo Bi followed her heart and said, "I want to play."

Luo Hang said: "Then let's go play!"

"Is the main house cold?" Guan Zhuting asked with concern.

"The temperature is not high, not as warm as our home." After Luo Bi finished speaking, she smiled happily: "Let me tell you, it's interesting. The aunts even brought us food and drinks. This is the first time I've felt this. treatment."

Guan Zhuting glanced at Luo Hang and then said: "This is how the Luo family branch family values ​​the younger generation and supports them."

"Ouch!" Luo Bi found it interesting: "No need to hold me up, I'm useless."

She was quite happy.

The corner of Guan Zhuting's mouth twitched. She just listened to these words and would not take them seriously.

Speaking of her own uselessness, Luo Bi was very happy. She immediately gave Guan Zhuting and Luo Hang some interstellar coins: "I'll spend the money I earned from selling hares. I'll finish it after I've spent it all. It saves me the worry of not being able to spend it all."

Guan Zhuting was stunned: "I haven't spent all the money I gave you last time."

Luo Bi said: "Buy whatever you like!"

Guan Zhuting raised her forehead and was very surprised. How many hares had to be sold? !

Luo Bi was still learning her words here, and Luo Qing's message came over: "Come and smash the jade, Luo Ping and the others are waiting for you."

In order to let his cousins ​​have fun, Luo Qing also worried a lot.

Luo Bi was playful and immediately said, "I'll go there right away."

Luo Bi liked this kind of atmosphere very much. She immediately put aside the problem that Luo Ping didn't respond to her. She started to write down a small book and saved it little by little. When she got chilled, Luo Bi knew whether she should do it or not. Far away.

There were a few more little cousins ​​in the afternoon, and Luo Heng's mother also called her best friends.

You see, everyone is very interested in having fun.

This is good. Luo Bi found a place to sit down and started smashing rocks together with everyone else.

Liang Tian didn't come and was playing with throwing stones. Luo Bi watched the excitement. Luo Heng's mother was so strong in speech that she was so timid in front of her best friend that she almost stuttered when others criticized her.

So, don't think that some people are aggressive with everyone, she just picks people.

This afternoon, the little cousins ​​were all at peace, and nothing happened.

It didn't snow heavily that day, and it didn't start snowing even after dark.

Luo Heng's mother boasted: "Luo Yuan is still lucky."

They didn't have enough fun during the day, so they went home to eat. In the evening, Luo Heng's mother's best friend didn't come, only Luo Bi and the family's younger cousins, plus Tong Wan, and Liang Tian. Luo Heng's mother was responsible for serving tea to the juniors. Water and food.

Not to mention, he is surprisingly good-tempered.

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