Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3866 Don’t eat

Luo Bi was still surprised, it was really rare.

"Do you eat honeydew melon?" Luo Heng's mother served the junior without any impatience.

Luo Bi didn't want to disturb the jade stone: "I won't eat it."

When you play, you have to look like you are playing!

Liang Tian kept eating and drinking, and hesitated: "It's okay to eat."

Tong Wan said: "Are there any honeydew melons at this time?"

Luo Yini said: "I will eat."

Luo Ping then said, "I'll eat it too."

Compared with Luo Bi, the idea of ​​​​these people is that they want to have fun but can't delay eating.

Luo Heng's mother smiled and turned around and said to a sister-in-law: "Go and get it quickly. My daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law all said they would eat it."

The aunt was not as patient as Luo Heng's mother, and she said dissatisfied: "You still have to be taken care of when you are playing."

As he said this, he went to the kitchen area to wash the honeydew melons. Luo Heng's mother followed, cut it herself and placed it in the melon and fruit plate. She brought it to the small living room and invited a few jade-smashers to eat the honeydew melons.

Luo Ping glanced at it and said, "I won't eat this kind of food."

"The honeydew melon is not ripe yet." Luo Heng's mother explained.

Liang Tian didn't say anything about eating it, but Tong Wan said: "It's not cooked yet!"

Luo Heng's mother took a piece and said, "Eat a piece."

The aunt held it, and Tong Wan knew how to stage it without moving: "I can try it."

Luo Heng's mother placed a piece of honeydew melon in front of Tong Wan, and then asked Luo Bi, "Does Luo Bi eat it?"

Luo Bi loves to eat honeydew melons. After playing all day, she kept up with everyone and immediately said, "I'll give it a try. It's okay to eat uncooked honeydew melons. I like to eat uncooked ones."

"Ouch..." Luo Ping and Luo Yini were speechless. Luo Ping disliked it: "Unripe ones don't taste good, and the pulp is not sweet."

"Then I'll give you a piece." Luo Heng's mother, the aunt, didn't say anything at all. She took a piece of honeydew melon and put it in Luo Bi's hand, running around as support for a few juniors.

Luo Bi's eyes fell on the honeydew melon. It was probably cut unevenly and half of the flesh was missing.

I feel a little disgusted in my heart. If I were at home, I would not eat the honeydew melon cut into pieces like this. My parents would keep the ones with less pulp for themselves and give the ones with more pulp to their children.

The other party was an aunt, so she couldn't be picky, so Luo Bi took a small bite.

Luo Heng's mother came back with tissues, Tong Wan took one, and Luo Bi also took a bite and wiped it.

Tong Wan was pounding the stone. It was not convenient for him to eat the honeydew melon, so he lowered his head and ate the melon directly.

Luo Bi didn't think much about it. Sometimes she was slow to respond. At this time, Luo Heng's mother laughed and scolded: "It's a waste of time for you to throw rocks. Tong Wan is still more powerful, so he just lay down and gnawed."

Luo Bi looked over and realized that Tong Wan's piece of honeydew melon was cut very large and had a lot of pulp. Even if it was not ripe, you could still eat a lot of the sweet part. Unlike her piece, which was small and didn't have much pulp. .

Luo Bi: "······"

I don’t know what to say!

Luo Bi sighed softly in her heart. Her impression of her aunt had just changed, and she no longer cared about her previous one. As a result, this small gesture was enough to make Luo Bi alienate her again.

Such a big honeydew melon, even if the melon is small, is still a whole honeydew melon.

Tong Wan and Luo Ping didn't eat, and only she and Tong Wan ate. No matter what, I shouldn't give Tong Wan a piece of the best, and give her a piece of melon with less pulp. If you say she doesn't mean it, Luo Bi won't believe it. .

But why bother? Two pieces of a whole honeydew melon are gone. Who will eat the rest? !

Can't you also give her a piece of melon with more pulp? A little more is fine, Luo Bi is not so narrow-minded as to compare the size of a piece of honeydew melon, as long as they don't treat them differently.

However, Luo Bi could only sigh in her heart.

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