Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3984 Concubine

Luo Bicai is a fan. If she doesn’t want to eat it, she can give it to her family.

Luo Bi was also jealous of the value of the imperial concubine's pork.

She felt inappropriate in her heart, but Luo Bi still wanted it, so people are greedy.

He Yun, Wei Yu and others obviously didn't care about Luo Bi. On the contrary, they were quite generous.

Fengling glanced at Luo Bi: "What do you want?"

Luo Bi said: "Pork liver."

When Tang Shao heard about it, he gave all the livers to Luo Bi. The livers from several royal pigs were quite large, weighing almost twenty kilograms. Luo Bi hesitated and said no more.

Tang Shao also shared some pig ears and other things.

Later, Tang Shao chopped up half of the royal pig and gave it to Luo Bi, plus the pig's trotters, liver and so on, it was a lot. Luo Bi got more, and the others got less, but no one was dissatisfied.

The rest of the pork was shared equally among everyone, and the sergeant who went on the mission only got half a catty of meat.

After the meat was divided, the senior officers left one after another.

Fengling and Roger went back together. When they got home, Luo Bi drank herbs that warmed the spirit and soul power. They had to be boiled with boiling water and allowed to cool. It took more than half an hour to finish drinking, which was very time-consuming.

After washing up and going to bed, Fengling stopped dealing with military affairs.

Luo Bi lay in Fengling's arms, and Fengling gently pressed her forehead.

A little, give up and continue pressing it. Luo Bi can't sleep.

Fengling thought for a while, then dialed Luo Hang and asked Luo Hang to go to the dungeon in the morning to buy wild vegetables.

When Luo Hang heard this, he knew that Luo Bi had another headache. He got up early in the morning and went to the underground city. Fortunately, Luo Hang had good luck and caught up with someone digging fresh wild vegetables for sale.

Luo Hang bought a bag and went home to choose vegetables with Guan Zhuting.

After Guan Zhuting steamed the wild vegetables, Fengling drove a military suspension vehicle to get the steamed wild vegetables.

Fengling divided half of the imperial concubine's pork and sent one piece to Luo Bi's family, as well as two pig trotters. She also brought the other pigs for sale, so Guan Zhuting could marinate them when she was free.

Guan Zhuting was delighted. By braised pork here, Hua Ran could also eat imperial concubine pork with extremely high nutritional energy. This imperial concubine pork was not comparable to ordinary exotic animal meat.

Luo Hang helped from the side while Guan Zhuting prepared the braised pork.

Fengling returned home, put down the steamed wild vegetables and went to the bedroom.

Luo Bi was already awake but didn't get up. Fengling walked over, sat by the bed and asked, "Do you still have a headache?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Fengling felt relieved and told Luo Bi, "Breakfast is steamed wild vegetables. Your mother steamed them. Do you want to get up and eat them?!"

"Steam wild vegetables for me in the morning?!" Luo Bi's eyes were filled with joy.

The handsome man's eyebrows were soft, and a faint smile appeared on Fengling's lips: "You get up and eat, I'll go to the military headquarters."

The man was very busy, so Luo Bi nodded: "You go ahead."

Fengling kissed the corner of Luo Bi's lips and left the bedroom, picked up her military jacket and went out.

Luo Bi suddenly thought of the bird, so she got out of bed and chased her out of the bedroom: "My bird."

Fengling turned around: "Roger is still at home and did not go to the military headquarters."

Yesterday, she agreed to get up early and go to Roger's house to get the bird, but Luo Bi forgot about it and didn't get up, so Roger was not in a hurry to go to the military headquarters.

"Can I put the bird on the bamboo tree in the garden?" Luo Bi has a mysophobia and doesn't want to take the bird home. It has wings and flutters in an annoying way.

Fengling looked calm and said, "If someone else catches it and takes it home, it will be someone else's."

That didn't work. Luo Bi hesitated whether to let it go at home first. After dinner, she found a bride for the concubine.

Give one away, sell one.

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