Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3985 Earn cold interstellar coins

Fengling was very smart and saw it: "It's already now, Roger is in no hurry to go to the military headquarters."

This means that it will be raised at Roger's house first, and then Luo Bi can go and get the bird after dinner.

Luo Bi liked hearing this, and because she was happy, she decided to earn cold interstellar coins.

Leng Lie and Fengling were childhood friends, but Leng Lie and Luo Bi didn't like each other. Plus there was Zhang Wu'er. Luo Bi had nothing to do with Leng Lie every time he got something. Now Luo Bi thought about it and sold it to A cold bird.

"You want to ask Leng Lie if he wants a concubine?" Luo Bi was a venomous person who talked a lot, and later said: "I think Leng Lie should want it. He can raise Zhang Wu'er. The concubine is the same as Zhang Wu'er. It’s the little concubine.”

Fengling: "······"

This doesn’t look right, I can’t look at it anywhere!

Fengling didn't go out anymore, so she turned back, went to the balcony and sat on the sofa to dial Leng Lie.

After dialing, Fengling gave the communicator to Luo Bi: "You talk to Leng Lie."

Luo Bi makes the decision about Luo Bi's bird, Fengling doesn't interfere.

Luo Bi took the communicator and Fengling stood up, went to the kitchen area to take out the steamed wild vegetables and put them on the dining table. Fengling's food was all exquisite, but Luo Bi's only ingredients were steamed wild vegetables, and Fengling didn't know what to say.

"Do you want a concubine?" Luo Bi didn't waste any time and asked Leng Lie directly if he wanted a concubine.

"Pinnia?" Leng Lie murmured casually.

The hunting team led by General Qi caught the bird, and Leng Lie knew about it early on. Leng Lie didn't know whose credit it was, and he wasn't very interested. No one had anything extra for him, and it was useless for Leng Lie to be interested.

"Ah, do you want it?" Luo Bi said.

Luo Bi felt cold and careless.

"How many interstellar coins are there?" Leng Lie asked.

When she first caught the concubine, Luo Bi didn't know what it was like. She checked it on the Star Network at night and found that it was not easy to raise the concubine. If it was raised, it would die, so it would not last long.

In addition, it is not as rare as the Jieyiniao, so the price should not be very expensive.

Besides, generally no one sells concubines, they are all used by their own Thunder Flame Warriors.

Therefore, the price is uncertain.

"One half a million interstellar coins." Luo Bi estimated the price.

Leng Lie said: "I will give you the interstellar coins."

Luo Bi: "······"

Is this expensive or cheap? !

Luo Bi hesitated for a moment and said, "Go to Roger's house to get the bird, and he will keep it at his house."

Leng Lie responded, and Luo Bi hung up the communication.

Luo Bi gave the communicator to Fengling: "Fengling, is half a million interstellar coins expensive for a bird?!"

Fengling took the small optical brain and said, "You want 500,000 interstellar coins?"

Luo Bi nodded: "Ah."

Fengling said: "It's cheap."

Luo Bi felt distressed: "How many interstellar coins will it cost?"

"A concubine costs about two million interstellar coins." Fengling said.

Oh my god, I feel even more distressed. It’s so cheap.

But fortunately, there is Zhan Hui who can trick her back. Luo Bi feels better: "It's not easy to raise a concubine. If you raise it, it will die. Anyway, I picked it up for nothing."

Fengling: "······"

This one is hoping that the one bought by Leng Lie will die soon!

Fengling went to the military headquarters, and Luo Bi sat down to have breakfast.

While eating, Luo Bi thought about it and dialed Zhan Hui's message.

Zhan Hui was at the military headquarters at the moment. He saw that it was Luo Bi's communication and squinted his eyes. Zhan Hui picked up the message and said, "Is something wrong?"

Zhan Hui thought Luo Bi was looking for Luo Yuan, but Luo Bi didn't say a word of greeting and asked directly: "Do you want a concubine?" (End of Chapter)

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