Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3986 Rare Bird

Zhan Hui didn't react for a moment and was a little stunned.

Interstellar humans who are on good terms with each other usually keep in touch from time to time. When Thunder Flame Warriors go on missions, everyone knows about it. In this way, people with good relationships who have good relationships will know about it as soon as possible.

Luo Bi is like this. When people call her, she still doesn't answer, and her tribe doesn't even know she's on a mission.

Therefore, Luo Bi harvested the concubine, and Zhan Hui had nowhere to guess.

"What did you say?" Zhan Hui said hesitantly: "Pinnia?!!"

Luo Bi regretted talking about the concubine first. She should have asked Luo Yuan what she was busy with first. If Zhan Hui was still the same as before and didn't want her to get close to Luo Yuan, Luo Bi would not sell it to him.

Or, it would be better to pay a high price and kill him!

"It's that kind of gray bird." Luo Bi didn't say it was a rare bird.

"Can you peck bamboo trees?" Zhan Hui still didn't believe it. With Luo Bi's innate ability, could she have such a bird? If Luo Wan and Luo Sha are related, Zhan Hui believes it.

Luo Bi said: "I know how to peck bamboo trees, and I will make a hole every time."

"How did you know it was a concubine?" In Zhan Hui's view, Luo Bi was ignorant and didn't understand anything.

In fact, Zhan Hui was not wrong. Luo Bi was indeed ignorant, but she was gradually becoming more knowledgeable. Luo Bi said: "Everyone says they are concubines. In fact, I don't know concubines. Thunder Flame warriors are rare, so I knew they were concubines." It’s a concubine, I’ve sold one.”

"Sold one?!" Zhan Hui raised his voice.

"Ah." Luo Bi was very scheming. She never said how many interstellar coins she sold. She was just waiting to earn Zhan Hui's interstellar coins. Leng Lie didn't make any money, so Luo Bi asked again: "Do you want it?"

Zhan Hui definitely wanted it, he didn't even ask the price: "Give me one."

At this point, Luo Bi is not as impressive as Zhan Hui.

No matter who she was talking to, Luo Bi would always ask about the price to avoid being overpriced and refused.

In the three major galaxies, as long as they are from aristocratic families, they pay more attention to dignity and get along well with others. Even if they hate themselves to death, the children of the family who were raised by the aristocratic families will not throw face to face.

People like Tong Wan, who show their displeasure and choke others when speaking, are uneducated.

Of course, Tong Wan doesn't think so. She thinks she is very educated.

On the contrary, Tong Wan still felt that others were uneducated.

Luo Bi and Zhan Hui dislike each other, but neither one will put it openly.

"It costs several million for one." Zhan Hui didn't ask, but Luo Bi told Zhan Hui that if it was too expensive, don't buy it as soon as possible. She would find another buyer for the concubine. There were many people who liked buying concubines.

Luo Bi said she wanted to earn Zhan Hui's interstellar coins, but she couldn't stop.

Relatives are all somewhat respectful.

Zhan Hui paused: "No problem."

"When will you come and get it?" Luo Bi had thought about it. If Zhan Hui didn't come over soon, she would sell the bird to Zhan Hui. Since the bird was rare, she didn't have to worry about selling it.

Zhan Hui understood what it means to have long nights and many dreams. He said, "I'll make arrangements and go there right away."

Luo Bi: "······"

You see, this bird can't be sold to others yet.

She was already planning to sell her to someone else.

In fact, it is not strange at all for Luo Bi to think this way. She has encountered people who gave things to others before, but others were not proactive, so Luo Bi had to worry about it. Luo Bi had been annoyed by such people many years ago.

Unexpectedly, Zhan Hui was not like this.

"I'll ask Luo Yuan to go back together." Zhan Hui said, "We'll probably arrive in the afternoon."

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