Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4001 Delicious

Because the Luo family entertained guests, they ate early.

It was just getting dark now. The melon seeds that Guan Zhuting and Liang Meng were eating were plant nutrition energy melon seeds bought for Luo Bi. They tasted good, fragrant and crispy. Liang Meng couldn't stop after tasting one.

"These melon seeds are not cheap." Liang Meng lowered his head and looked at the melon seed bag: "I bought so many."

Guan Zhuting was interested in making friends with Sanfang, and said: "Buying food for Luo Bi. She is mentally exhausted. It might be better to eat more nutritious and energy food. The child has a headache and won't eat."

"Maybe it will work." Liang Meng continued to eat melon seeds: "It's quite delicious."

Guan Zhuting said politely: "I'll give you some when I leave."

Liang Meng was also polite: "No need."

He said this, but Liang Meng's attitude was not like this.

There are still more than a kilogram of plant melon seeds at home. Luo Hang buys a lot every time. If Luo Bi doesn't eat them, it will be cheaper for Guan Zhuting. The second-level ingredients in the low-end are already good ingredients, and Guan Zhuting herself can't bear to eat more.

There were too few things to give away, but the nutritional energy melon seeds were too expensive, so Guan Zhuting grabbed two handfuls and put them in a paper bag, and said to Liang Meng, "Take them when you leave."

"It's not good to eat too much." Liang Meng said.

Guan Zhuting doesn't care either, she is my sister-in-law! Just get along slowly.

Luo Bi was at the dinner table. There was something delicious but she couldn't eat it, and there were no snacks. She was full quickly. She glanced at the living room, with no expression on her face.

Later, Fengling called over and agreed that General Qi would treat everyone to dinner at Guiping Pavilion tonight.

Luo Bi had almost eaten, and she couldn't eat much even if she went there. Besides, she wanted to eat sugar cane, but she had no appetite for anything else. Because everyone was here, Luo Bi kept thinking about eating sugar cane, but didn't get to eat it.

Also, after dinner, Luo Bi wanted to follow him to the main house.

Some people in the family disappointed Luo Bi, and Luo Bi felt that if she tested them, they might still disappoint her.

Rather than going to Guipinge to eat, Luo Bi wanted to see how ugly the clan members were. No matter what it was, she always wanted to make herself understand that she would just ignore it in the future.

"I'm not going." Luo Bi told Fengling, "I ate at home."

Fengling nodded and hung up the communication.

After everyone had eaten, Luo Qing also made an agreement with Luo Huan. If Luo Huan didn't listen to the bird pecking the bamboo, he would feed him for a few days. Luo Huan agreed, and several young Leiyan warriors went to the living room to sit.

Liang Meng didn't want Zhan Hui to stay in the second room and suggested returning to the main house.

It was still early in the day and it was impossible to sleep. Luo Qing said to Luo Bi, "Let's go to the main house to play!"

Luo Bi was waiting for this and nodded: "Yes, I'll go too."

Everyone got up and returned to the main house together.

The snow was still heavy just now, but when it got dark it started to snow less. In the main house, Dafang and his family were all in the living room. Luo Jun and Luo Yan were also there. Luo Yan lowered her head and played with a small optical computer.

The tribesmen gathered together to chat, and almost all of them were Zhan Hui and Luo Huan.

Luo Bi was listening, and Luo Qing was the closest. Liang Meng put the paper bag on the table, and while taking off his coat, he greeted Luo Yan and Luo Jun: "The melon seeds you brought from your second uncle's house, Luo Jun, you It’s good to eat it with Luo Yan.”

Luo Bi kept watching, then she covered her mouth and smiled contemptuously.

Just say it! All the people in the clan have the same virtues.

Luo Bi followed here just to see if her clan members were still the same as before, but it turned out that they still hadn't changed. So, don't blame her for being disappointed. If she had to take care of them, she could just take care of her big cousins.

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