Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4002 She is more generous than anyone else

Some tribesmen have too many petty calculations and treat others as fools.

"Why are you laughing?" Luo Qing turned around and asked Luo Bi.

Luo Bi pointed her chin toward Liang Meng and Luo Yan and showed Luo Qing: "My mother was reluctant to eat the nutritious and energy melon seeds that my mother gave to Third Aunt. She probably gave some to Third Aunt because she wanted to be friends with them."

Luo Qing looked over and didn't find it funny.

Luo Bi didn't complain angrily, but continued to tell Luo Qing very funnyly why she was laughing: "Third Aunt doesn't care if she doesn't want it, but you see, she wanted it, and even bought it in front of her cousin and Luo Yan, and bought my house If I knew this was the case, my mother might as well just give the melon seeds to my cousin and Luo Yan, why let the third aunt buy them in front of the juniors."

"She doesn't suffer at all." Luo Bi added later.

If you buy something from someone else’s house, won’t you suffer a loss? !

There were few things, and they were given away to people who couldn't handle them, so they were thrown to the juniors casually. It also showed that Liang Meng cared about the juniors and was grand. Liang Meng couldn't bear to part with the nutritious energy melon seeds if she had too many. If there were too few, she didn't even spend the interstellar coins, so she was more generous than anyone else.

Luo Qing: "······"

What can Luo Qing say? Awkward laugh.

In fact, the second room gave Liang Meng nutritious energy melon seeds, and there was nothing wrong with Liang Meng returning to the main house to give them to the junior. The main reason was that Liang Meng took them from the second room, which made the second room feel uncomfortable.

You don't have to take it if you don't want to eat it. It's not cheap. It's something that the second cousin's aunt is reluctant to part with. Liang Meng shouldn't take it if he doesn't want to eat it. The food is small, so there's no need to count it out of worldliness, but you can't think that others are giving it to you for free.

It's a good thing that Luo Bi didn't see it, but if Luo Bi saw it, it wouldn't look good.

Giving a handful of melon seeds to the second bedroom really doesn't mean anything, but that's another story once you buy them again.

"Luo Huanqiang's gene was injured, so it is good to eat nutritious and energy-rich melon seeds." Luo Qing had no choice but to smooth things over, what else to do? It's not easy to let Luo Bi get angry and cause discord between the two houses.

To be honest, this is just a small calculation, and the problem is really not big.

Luo Bi was not polite: "Do you need her to buy it? I'd rather give my cousin a handful of melon seeds. I'm just here to see if she will do it. Look, that's what she does."

Luo Bi was angry.

Luo Qing was stunned: "..."

"You knew she would do this?!" Luo Qing was confused.

Luo Biquan said, "Aunts like to do this and treat others as fools."

"No way!" Luo Qing was a little confused, this is too disgusting.

Luo Biyou said leisurely: "They all play tricks on me. I don't like to talk to them. Others don't care. I don't look down on such people. They are also snobbish and flatter others."

Oops, Luo Qing was dumbfounded. He looked around, but luckily no one heard him. Luo Qing coaxed Luo Bi: "Let's stop talking."

Zhan Hui is still here. What will Zhan Hui think when he hears this? !

He is a snobbery and makes people laugh.

Luo Qingxin said that he didn't notice it usually, but Luo Qing still believed in Luo Bi. Without him, Luo Qing saw Liang Meng's behavior just now. He didn't think much about it, but when Luo Bi said this, wow, it's really cool. not good.

Luo Bi shut her mouth and stopped talking. She followed here just to see if her aunt had improved after so many years. Unfortunately, it was still like that. Secondly, since Liang Meng had a little conspiracy, why did he hide it? Luo Bi had to Let Luo Qing and his cousin understand clearly.

Don't be blind anymore, Luo Bi has been watching with cold eyes for so many years, and I can't stand it anymore.

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