Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4009 This is stingy again

Tang Shao was quite surprised that Luo Bi was not stingy.

Tang Shao really couldn't see through this woman.

You say she is not stingy, she can be stingy to death.

Call her stingy, but she can give you a high-grade spiritual plant.

"Pick more for me!" Tang Shao put away the small optical brain.

Luo Bi took a bamboo basket and opened the green pepper seedlings along the vegetable ridges to look for green peppers. Since she had never picked them before, most of the green peppers were ripe and red at this time. If they turned orange, they were thrown away. They were spoiled.

Picking vegetables is fun.

Tang Shao leaned over and helped pick the green peppers. The green peppers grown by Luo Bi were relatively small, not as big as those grown by the planting robot. They were in good quality, but these small green peppers were firm and thick.

Tang Shao didn't understand either, so he picked a few. Luo Bi had already picked a lot over there.

"That's enough." Tang Shao said.

After picking most of the green pepper field, Luo Bi nodded and picked a few more, then turned around and picked five or six orange-red persimmons. These were delicious, especially suitable for eating raw.

There were only a dozen cucumber seedlings, but they produced a lot of cucumbers, so Luo Bi picked a lot of them.

"More." Tang Shao said.

"This kind of cucumber will get old if you don't pick it." Luo Bi knew better. She plucked the cucumber vines and gave up after seeing that there were no more cucumbers. "It won't taste good when it gets old. It can only be eaten in stew."

Tang Shao had never eaten this kind of home-cooked dish before, so he nodded.

"Do you want beans?" Luo Bi asked. If you want them, pick them. If you don't, forget them.

"Have some!" Tang Shao said, "Don't pick too much."

Luo Bi pulled the bean rack again and quickly picked a small handful: "Enough to stir-fry two dishes."

There were other vegetables, but Luo Bi didn't mention picking them, and Tang Shao didn't say he wanted them either.

After getting off the planting field, Luo Bi looked at Tang Shao: "Do you have any cartons for vegetables?"

Tang Shao's mouth twitched: "Yes."

This was stingy again. Tang Shao opened the storage ring and took out a cardboard box.

Luo Bi took a handful of vegetables and put them into the carton. There were already many, but the small carton was filled up all at once. Tang Shao had no choice but to squat down and take out the vegetables again and arrange them one by one.

In this way, the vegetables are loaded.

Sometimes Luo Bi is very delicate, sometimes she is very irritable.

As the admiral's adjutant, Tang Shao, like Fengling, was a strategist and very good at guessing people's hearts. After being in contact with her for such a long time, Tang Shao couldn't understand this woman Luo Bi.

Tang Shao lifted the carton, worried that Luo Bi would give the vegetables away casually, and reminded him: "The vegetables you planted may have low-grade seeds, and the vegetable grade is not high, but the nutritional energy is relatively mild."

Luo Bi smiled: "Nonsense."

Tang Shao said seriously: "Really."

Luo Bi nodded: "Those who don't have a good relationship can't eat from me."

If you don't have a good relationship, Luo Bi won't give you any grass growing under the vegetables. Therefore, Tang Shao's worries are unnecessary. Luo Bi can kill you if you are stingy, such as Lan Qiao.

As soon as Tang Shao left, Lan Qiao came on the back foot.

"I saw Major Tang coming to your house." Lan Qiao asked after entering: "What did he take? I think he also moved a box."

There is nothing that cannot be said. Luo Bi and Lan Qiao went up to the big balcony and said, "I picked some of the vegetables grown at home for Major Tang."

"Is your food ready to eat?" Lan Qiao hasn't visited for a while.

Lan Qiao wanted to see and compare which family grew better. Luo Bi took her to the planting field. Every ordinary family grew several kinds of vegetables. Luo Bi was not worried about Lan Qiao wanting her vegetables.

But she was relieved. Lan Qiao was jealous when she saw the vegetable patch. (End of chapter)

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