Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4010 Playing tricks

Lan Qiao couldn't believe that someone as pampered as Luo Bi could grow good vegetables? !

Lan Qiao stood under the planting field, stunned.

"You planted this?!" Lan Qiao asked unwillingly.

This is impossible! How can she, a farmer, be inferior to Luo Bi, who only plays games? Looking at Luo Bi, she is petite and frail, and she doesn't look like she can plant anything.

What Lan Qiao can do best in front of Luo Bi is her strength and cultivation.

Nowadays, the faint talent that Lan Qiao awakened is almost gone. If she can't find a job, she can only farm. She is still not as good as Luo Bi, and Lan Qiao can't stand it.

Luo Bi felt that Lan Qiao's question was incomprehensible, and smiled: "Ah, I planted it."

"You know how to farm?!" Lan Qiao shouted, almost getting anxious.

Luo Bi looked at her, understanding for a moment, and then smiled. Luo Bi didn't think Lan Qiao was depressed enough, so Tiandu said: "My family background was average before I got married. Why don't I farm? My family is farming."

Lan Qiao: "······"

Lan Qiao was dumbfounded and looked at the vegetable fields.

Planting is very hard, so if it is not the planting field you applied for, you usually open a small vegetable plot on your home planting field and grow a few common vegetables.

It also depends on what planet you are from. For example, Lan Qiao, the vegetables she usually eats on her planet are peppers, coriander, and persimmons. Her family grows coriander, persimmons, lettuce, and greens. Melons and leeks.

The vegetables grown by Lan Qiao's family don't have as many varieties as those grown by Luo Bi's family, and they don't grow as well as those grown by Luo Bi's family.

The contrast is not obvious, but you can see it.

The cucumbers had just been picked, so there was no way to compare them. There were only a few small cucumbers on the cucumber seedlings, and all the cucumbers in her family were old. Lan Qiao was reluctant to throw them away, but they were still edible, so she kept them for stir-frying.

It's not even better than leeks. The leaves of Luo Bi's leeks are very thin and narrow, and the varieties are different. However, women who often cook at home know that the food made from this kind of thin leeks is very fragrant.

There is a big difference between growing at home and growing by robots.

Luo Bi planted small purple leeks.

Luo Bi's family didn't have the fir vegetables. Lan Qiao could see the fruits on the persimmon seedlings at a glance. The varieties were also different from hers. Her persimmons were very red when ripe, while Luo Bi's persimmons were a bit orange when ripe.

Lan Qiao took a quick look and found that these persimmons were slightly more numerous.

Compared with the usually pampered Luo Bi, Lan Qiao felt sick to her stomach when she planted a few more persimmons than the usually pampered Luo Bi. What she planted should be better than what Luo Bi planted!

Lan Qiao usually had a sense of superiority in front of Luo Bi, but now her sense of superiority was almost nonexistent.

Fortunately, Lan Qiao is open-minded and is a second-rate person! It won't be too long of a struggle.

This was thanks to Lan Qiao's jealousy not being so strong. Lan Qiao went to the planting field and her eyes were filled with vegetables. Luo Bi stared at Lan Qiao's feet and didn't want her to continue walking to the vegetable field.

"I thought you didn't know how to grow vegetables." Lan Qiao stared, wanting to scoop up everything she liked: "You grow a lot of vegetables at home, and you and Fengling can't finish them all!"

Luo Bi: "······"

The second-rate guy is still playing tricks on her.

Lan Qiao continued: "I see that your family doesn't grow fir vegetables, but mine can be eaten. I'll give you a handful to eat later. Fan Yao's family doesn't grow any, so I also gave Fan Yao a handful. Fan Yao said it was delicious. , you didn’t grow lettuce either?! My family grew lettuce, and it’s delicious when dipped in sauce.”

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