Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4011 She doesn’t care

At the garrison base, each family sends some vegetables to each other, which can bring them closer together.

If someone gives you something as a gift, it's okay if you don't plant it. If you grow vegetables at home, if you don't give something to someone as a token of appreciation, you will be unsociable and others won't like to interact with you.

Luo Bi knew this truth in her heart, but she didn't care about Lan Qiao's food, and she didn't want to give Lan Qiao's own vegetables. It was inappropriate to refuse without politeness. Luo Bi was not that stupid.

"I just picked some for Tang Shao. There aren't many vegetables growing in the field." Luo Bi looked at the vegetable field and said sheepishly: "I also want to give some to my friends. I can't pick them anymore. I can't give them to you. I'll have to wait for a while." Bar!"

Wen Yao and Luo Jie both wanted to send some, and Luo Bi wasn't telling lies. She was impeccable, and Lan Qiao couldn't say anything else about her arrangements. If she just had a plan in mind, she really decided to send Wen now. Yao and Roger grew vegetables at home.

Wen Yao also has a small bundle of sugar cane, it would be nice if he gave them all to her.

Of course, if you want to do good things, the value of nutritional energy sugar cane and vegetables are completely different. Even if she plucks up the entire vegetable field, it is not worth the interstellar coins of a bundle of sugar cane.

"You have a lot of vegetables in these vegetable fields." Lan Qiao is a person who lives a daily life, and she feels distressed: "You are giving them all away?!"

"Those who are close to each other don't have any seeds." Luo Bi earnestly chatted with Lan Qiao, whether it was true or not. Lan Qiao was so thoughtful that it was not enough. Luo Bi said: "This may not be enough. There are many relatives and friends. .”

Lan Qiao was speechless. Now she was not so surprised and depressed. She felt relieved. Seeing that Luo Bi still knew how to give vegetables to relatives and friends, she felt that Luo Bi had made some progress.

You must know that Luo Bi is stingy. For so many years, Luo Bi has not given her a piece of food.

Lan Qiao wanted to give Luo Bi vegetables she grew at home several times, but Luo Bi said she didn't want them. If she didn't want them, she wouldn't want them. Her vegetables couldn't be delivered yet. Luo Bi was stingy and she didn't want to give them to her yet.

People who live their daily lives cannot see the ingredients. Lan Qiao glanced at a few vegetable plots and was about to leave. Then she said: "Do you also grow spring onions at home? This spring onion dipping sauce requires this kind of spring onions. I'll dig a few of them." ?!”

Luo Bi was not active. She looked at Congdi coldly and did not refuse: "It's too young. It's too late to eat at this time."

Lan Qiao has always been a person who lives her life. Luo Bi said this. Lan Qiao was really embarrassed to ask for more. She opened her mouth and Lan Qiao said dryly: "A few are enough."

Zhang Cheng likes to eat, otherwise Lan Qiao wouldn't open her mouth.

In their family, they pointed at Zhang Cheng, and Lan Qiao was only thinking about Zhang Cheng.

Luo Bi didn't say no, "Just make it longer!"

Lan Qiao almost choked to death. She was not so thick-skinned as to be shameless, so she had to leave in disappointment.

Luo Bi closed the door and left.

You are so close to Zhang Wuer, but you still want her food. What do you think? !

After thinking about it, the food must be rare to others. If Tang Shao hadn't said that the vegetables she grew were mild in nutrition and energy, and they could be used, Luo Bi would not have thought of giving them to Luo Jie and Wen Yao.

Anyone with some planting ability will open a small vegetable plot in the planting field. It is very common and not a rare vegetable. You would give it away without knowing it.

Fengling was busy with military affairs, so Luo Bi did not disturb Fengling.

After thinking for a while, Luo Bi called Wen Xiao.

When Wen Xiao picked it up, Luo Bi said: "My family has grown vegetables but I can't eat them. Does Wen Yao want them?!" (End of Chapter)

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