Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4012 Low nutritional energy

Wen Xiao was stunned. The ingredients Wen Yao ate were all bought by his guards.

"Grown at home?" Wen Xiao muttered. In the interstellar era, the vegetables grown by women contained more or less nutritional energy, which was different from those grown by robots. Wen Xiao said, "Yeah, I'll go there after work." Get the vegetables.”

For the injured Wen Yao, the vegetables grown at home are of a lower grade. If he eats too much delicacies from the mountains and seas, it is okay to adjust the taste. The lower the nutritional energy, the lower.

"Is Fengling busy?" Luo Bi asked casually.

Wen Xiao said: "Fengling is very busy. If you need anything, come to me."

"I'm just asking." Luo Bi herself was too busy, so what else could she ask Fengling for? She considered it carefully and said, "I also want to give Roger a handful of vegetables, grown at home. I wonder if Roger wants it?!"

Wen Xiao made the decision: "I'll call Roger over soon."

Fengling was busy with military affairs. After work, Wen Xiao told Fengling and asked Roger to go to Fengling's house. Roger had the rank of colonel and was supposed to be busier, but he was injured and needed to be taken care of, so he had a lot of free time.

The vegetables were all freshly picked, so Luo Bi didn't help pick them.

As soon as Wen Xiao and Luo Jie arrived, they went to the planting fields.

Looking at several small vegetable plots, Luo Jie and Wen Xiao were a little surprised. There was no other reason. Luo Bi had grown vegetables before, but the growth... it was hard to know what to say.

Some grow astonishingly, soaring tall, and the medicine they use is ashy as dregs.

Yes, only a few sprouted. Especially during the galaxy war season, the vegetables Luo Bi planted were bare. The problem was that the seeds were expensive, so the seeds were wasted.

This time, the vegetable field is growing well, but the seeds are ordinary seeds, and the vegetables they grow are not of a high level.

It would be different if medicine residue ash was used.

But I also know that the powerful medicinal residue and ashes have not been refined.

"Did you use the ash from the frying furnace?!" Roger stood outside the vegetable field and glanced at the vegetable field, wondering: "The vegetables seem to be of very low grade, so they probably only contain a little nutritional energy."

"We didn't use medicinal dregs." Luo Bi didn't hide anything from Roger and Wen Xiao: "The seeds I bought this time were very ordinary seeds, so I didn't use medicinal dregs. The medicinal dregs are reserved for growing crops."

How she planted before she got married is how she grows now, and she doesn't need to use the planting method.

"As long as the nutritional energy is low, it should be low! I have been eating this since I was a child." Luo Bi held two small bamboo baskets and handed them over: "Which vegetables you like to eat, pick them yourself!"

The ingredients used by Thunder Flame Warriors to warm and nourish the body are relatively high in nutritional energy. Luo Bi did not want there to be any calculation involved, so she insisted on giving Roger and Wen Yao home-grown vegetables.

"You can pick less. Those with low nutritional energy are not suitable for you and Wenyao." Luo Bi said.

Roger nodded. He almost didn't eat it because the nutritional energy was too low. There was no need to pick too much and it was a waste. Wen Xiao didn't think so. His brother Wen Yao didn't eat it, so he could try it.

Roger took matters into his own hands and picked three persimmons and a cucumber, enough for a meal.

Luo Bi saw in her eyes that her dish was not suitable for the injured Thunder Flame Warrior.

Wen Xiao picked more. He picked a few persimmons, a few cucumbers, and the beans were quite fresh. Wen Xiao also picked a small handful, which was not as much as what she gave Tang Shao. Wen Xiao also picked a few. Green pepper.

Forget about other dishes, Wen Xiao doesn't often cook by himself. He usually eats in the restaurant at the garrison base. (End of chapter)

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