Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4013 The family’s talents are rare

Fengling was not at home, so Luo Jie and Wen Xiao didn't stay long.

Luo Bi also suggested: "Among vegetables, persimmon is delicious when eaten raw."

As long as you don't play tricks on her, Luo Bi will be honest with everyone.

Roger responded perfunctorily. He did not have the habit of eating persimmons raw. The noble children of first-class families generally did not eat these vegetables that were not fruits unless they were of high value.

Luo Bi only mentioned it, but seeing Roger's expression, she stopped mentioning it.

Wen Xiao took the vegetables and went directly to Wen Yao's place.

Wenya liked the courtyard decorated with blazing bamboo trees. Not long after she left, she came to Zhihuang Star again. A few talented people invited Wenya to go shopping and drink tea. Wenya had just come back.

Wen Xiao brought the vegetables into the door, and Wen Ya was surprised: "Why do you buy such ordinary vegetables? They contain very low nutritional energy. When I come here, you will give me such ordinary ingredients."

"Add another dish." Wen Xiao said, "You don't have to eat it if you don't like it."

Wen Xiao went to the courtyard study to talk to Wen Yao, and then went to the kitchen to work. The Wen family pointed at Wen Yao to support the door. The injured strong gene must be carefully cared for, and Wen Xiao cared more than anyone else.

There are well prepared nutritional and energy ingredients at home, which are relatively expensive ingredients. After an injury, you need to take good care of yourself in winter.

Wen Xiao grilled the meat and cut a small amount of imperial concubine pork for stir-fry. He Yun and Luo Jieyun only gave Wen Yao a pound of meat. In the past few days, Wen Xiao cut a small piece of imperial concubine pork for cooking.

After stewing half a delicious fish, Wen Xiao made a soup using Luo Bizhong's persimmons.

Wen Yao also eats ordinary vegetables with extremely low nutritional energy, but if there are sufficient ingredients, Wen Yao will still eat ingredients with higher nutritional energy.

After the ingredients were prepared, Wen Xiao called Wen Ya to bring them to the table.

Wen Yao came out of the study, washed his hands and came to the dining table. Wen Ya saw Wen Yao sitting down and couldn't wait to pick out the imperial concubine's pork in the dish, and then put the fish in it to eat.

Wen Yao only frowned and didn't say anything to her. Wen Xiao thought that next time he would not use imperial concubine's pork, but would use exotic animal meat for cooking. Talents in the family are rare, and if Wen Ya wanted to eat it, neither he nor his brother would be able to tell her off. .

Wenya didn't touch the persimmon and egg soup. She didn't drink it and Wenxiao drank it, but Wenyao also filled a small bowl.

The variety of persimmons grown at home are very ordinary, and they are not very ripe when not picked. They taste sour in the mouth. Wen Yao does not like sour ones, but Luo Bi kindly gave them to us, so Wen Yao ate more of them.

After dinner, Wenya ran out to play again.

After Wen Xiao cleared the table, Wen Yao went out for a walk, and Lu Xiao went to pick him up.

Wen Yao felt something was wrong when he came back. When he went to the study to handle official duties, his head didn't hurt much. Wen Yao squinted his eyes and thought about it carefully, guessing that it was the effect of the persimmon and egg soup.

The effect is not obvious, but the restless strong gene does become milder.

Wen Yao called Wen Xiao to talk, and Wen Xiao nodded: "The nutritional energy of the persimmons grown by Luo Bi is indeed relatively mild, but the nutritional energy is too low and cannot be compared to higher-grade ingredients."

Every household grows some common nutritional and energy ingredients, which is still too common.

"I think it's okay." Wen Yao said, leaning on the office chair.

He was injured, and his feelings were more obvious than Wen Xiao's.

"Then I asked Lu Xiao to make you fried pork with green peppers tomorrow morning." Wen Xiao thought of Wenya's greedy and inconsiderate look, and added: "Wenya can't get up in the morning and doesn't eat breakfast."

Therefore, there is no problem in putting imperial concubine pork.

Wen Yao nodded, feeling better now without using the elixir. (End of chapter)

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