Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4014: Might as well give it to him

Wen Xiao also told Roger that Roger was not at home and was hanging out with Leng Lie in the club.

Roger was a little surprised and asked coldly: "What's wrong?"

Roger didn't say much: "Wen Xiao told me about the ingredients."

Leng Lie didn't care. Wen Yao and Luo Jie were injured and needed to be warmed up and the food should be eaten carefully.

When he came out of the club, Roger had a headache and said hello to Leng Lie and left.

When he got home, Roger stared at the vegetables and hesitated, then washed a cucumber and ate it raw. Not to mention, the cucumber grown by Luo Bi was crisp, sweet and very delicious.

After eating Roger, he felt the difference. Although it couldn't be compared with the soothing elixir, among the ingredients, the nutritional energy was relatively mild, which made people like it. Roger grinned.

The next morning, Roger thought about it and did not go to Fengling's house.

I just picked vegetables from Luo Bi's house yesterday. Although I only picked a few, it's not easy to go back and ask for them right away. It's better to wait a few days. However, after Roger hesitated, He Xiang and Wei Ting came to Luo Bi's house. played.

The girls gathered together, talking about how beautiful it was and eating.

Luo Bi took the melon and fruit plate and prepared to wash the fruits to serve the guests. Wei Zi said: "I eat your cucumbers, which are delicious. Stop washing the fruits and pick a few cucumbers to eat! The ones you grow are very sweet." "

Luo Bi was so happy that she called He Xiang and Wei Zi cheerfully: "Let's go to the planting fields to pick."

The freshness of the freshly picked vegetables is incomparable. The dignified He Xiang also stood up from the sofa, and Wei Zi followed with a smile. Several women went to the planting field. He Xiang and Wei Zi were jealous of the vegetables at first, and then they picked the fresh ones. Eat vegetables.

The persimmons have just been picked and don’t grow as fast as the cucumbers, so they are not yet ripe.

A few women didn't pick enough. They picked this one and looked at that one, and then they picked too much.

After washing a small basket, Luo Bi and the others started eating while chatting and laughing.

When He Xiang and Wei Zi left, Luo Bi cut two portions of purple leeks and picked several round eggplants. These round eggplants are just ordinary vegetables. If you eat too much, you will get tired of them, so it is just a good time to give them away.

They also picked some beans. He Xiang and Wei Xi were a little embarrassed, but they happily took them away. Luo Bi gave them a lot. Who said Luo Bi was stingy and He Xiang was impatient.

Later, He Xiang gave Luo Bi a bottle of low-level soothing elixir. Luo Bi didn't know how to refine elixirs, so he was still able to give Luo Bi a bottle of soothing elixir. Besides, soothing elixirs were in short supply.

Lan Qiao saw He Xiang and Wei Zi moving boxes and went up to inquire. She heard that Luo Bi had sent vegetables. Lan Qiao blamed Luo Bi for not giving her some. Later, Lan Qiao talked about it when she saw Zhang Wuer.

I don’t have any other ideas, Lan Qiao is just a big mouth

Before Zhang Wuer said anything, her little sister curled her lips and said, "I'm so embarrassed to give away the vegetables I grew."

Zhang Wuer smiled sweetly and said, "I heard she is very stingy."

Wen Yaorao picked up the juice and said, "Major Feng won't give her interstellar coins, and she has nothing to offer."

Zhang Wuer became happy. Luo Bi was not doing well, and she felt happy.

Tang Shao was in the circle of talented people. Hearing that Luo Bi had picked a lot of vegetables for He Xiang and Wei Zi, Tang Shao couldn't sit still. He gave it to He Xiang and Wei Zi instead of giving it to him.

The vegetables that Tang Shao brought back were divided with General Qi, and he could feel it after eating it. The ingredients were low-grade, but they could not stand up to the mild nutrition and energy, and they could also save elixirs. (End of chapter)

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