Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4021 Value Interstellar Coins

Zhang Wuer looked lively and turned around to joke with others.

The next day, there was a heavy snowstorm. Luo Bi played with the golden ball in the morning. The extraction speed was not increased. She had fun and extracted a bottle of metallic energy liquid in the whole morning.

In the afternoon, we will continue to process medicinal plants and spiritual plants, and then blast the furnace.

The talent circle is quite busy this month. Gao Yunmeng had previously discovered the source of the mine, but had never found it. He had been looking for it for more than half a year. He was not idle in the winter. Gao Yunlin led a team to find the source of the mine.

Zhang Wu'er was able to get along well among a group of talented people. She had no achievements and was still reaping the benefits of her small mining source.

Zhang Wuer was so innocent and flawless, she wouldn't say it out loud, but her little sisters were not embarrassed. Both inside and outside her words were that Zhang Wuer had found a small mining source.

All in all, everyone was deeply impressed.

Looking at Zhang Wuer again, he also felt that he was somewhat capable.

Feng Zixun didn't like Zhang Wuer's small mining source. The mining source was too small, and with Leng Lie backing Zhang Wuer, the military revenue was very small, and Zhang Wuer got a lot of benefits.

Qin Yilang looked on coldly and laughed, this is not as good as Luo Bi.

At least Luo Bi is not greedy, Zhang Wuer is too philistine.

Roger and Qin Yilang were chatting together. When talking about this matter, Zhan Di did not think that Zhang Wuer was a philistine. Zhan Di said: "She comes from a small aristocratic family and has little experience. Maybe she values ​​interstellar coins more."

Qin Yilang lowered his eyes, and a sneer flashed across his lips: "Maybe!"

I have little knowledge, and I don’t see Zhang Wuer wanting any benefits.

Being so naive, Qin Yilang almost doubted what it means to be naive.

Compared with Zhan Di, Qin Yilang is better with Fengling. He can't stand Luo Bigui and Luo Bi, but Qin Yilang still thinks more of Luo Bi. Qin Yilang doesn't want to talk to Zhang Wuer.

Jiang Wu'er was also at home, her eyes flashed, and she spoke kindly for Zhang Wu'er: "Zhang Wu'er doesn't rely on Leng Lie. If he wants to go further in the talent circle, he must have a large number of interstellar coins. Zhang Wuer has no connections and doesn't value interstellar coins. What can he do?! "

After hearing this, Qin Yilang sneered: "She can reach her current status without relying on Leng Lie?!"

Jiang Zhuer smiled and said no more. Zhang Wuer's food and accommodation were all cold. How could it be possible that Zhang Wuer didn't rely on the cold at all? Zhang Wuer's talent is not high.

In the eighth month, as the interstellar cold season approaches, the food supplies that have been consumed all winter are almost gone. Each legion prepares for a big hunt, which cannot be done without eating nutritious and energy-rich food.

There are few hunting teams and mercenary groups going on missions in winter. Therefore, the various legion forces have accumulated a lot of equipment and resources. At the very least, they have some wealth. Both those with strength and those without strength are busy.

The two legions of Zhihuangxing are preparing to participate in the big hunt. In this way, the talented people are at a loss again. They have taken out the refined elixirs and other energy liquids, hoping to improve their status. This is a good opportunity.

Tang Shao asked Luo Bi: "Do you have energy liquid?"

Robbie said, "No."

The big hunter who is full of schemes and talents is so talented that Luo Bi doesn't want to get involved at all. Since they are all so capable, let them contribute. Luo Bi doesn't want people to say they can't figure it out.

The first and third legions of the Zhihuang Star, as well as the well-connected fifth legion, joined forces to launch a large hunt that consumed all the equipment and resources and hunted many strange beasts.

There are also more than a dozen monsters, and how they are distributed depends on the strength of the legion. (End of chapter)

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