Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4022 This has to be done one by one

Warcraft! Which legion is not rare.

The next step is to argue about which legion gets how much.

In a big hunt, profit is at stake, and no one is happy to suffer. Warcraft makes all legion forces flock to them, and not everyone wants to kill the strange beasts. This needs to be understood one by one.

How to divide this?

Distribution will be based on who brings out the most equipment and resources, regardless of the strength of your combat team. As a result, the legion with insufficient talent partners will suffer a loss, and they will curse in anger after suffering a loss.

Looking back at the senior officers of each legion, they have quite a bit of criticism about the talented consorts and talented people who belong to the legion. Why do you think the legion spends a large amount of interstellar coins to support you? When they are put to use, they can't even produce much energy liquid, energy stones, and elixirs.

There is no hope for other things. Compared with extracting energy liquid, energy stones, and refining elixirs, refining other things seems to be more difficult. Without any strength, you can only refining materials.

The gifted bonders are very proud of themselves, and they are not happy either.

Alas, forget it, the Thunder Flame warriors sighed. After all, they had prey, which alleviated the shortage of food in winter. If they didn't suffer too much when dividing the prey, it is estimated that the strange beasts hunted this time can survive the interstellar cold season.

Roger Qiang was injured and did not go on the big hunt. This time the dispute was between Roger and Lieutenant General Mi Yue.

Roger doesn't frighten anyone with his talk.

When it comes to being stingy, it's a pity that Lieutenant General Mi Yue is not ranked high.

In the three major galaxies, those who are financial officers are very picky, and they will get nothing if they pick up anyone. They can live a life even if they drink the wind. Lieutenant General Mi Yue can't live a life even if he drinks the wind.

Therefore, Lieutenant General Mi Yue still needs Roger to talk to other legions with a smile.

In January, Roger and Lieutenant General Mi Yue brought back the distributed prey. It is unknown how much the underground city distributed. Anyway, the sergeants at the garrison base could buy the meat of exotic animals at cheap prices.

In the three major galaxies, the welfare benefits for soldiers are high, and the entire garrison base was bustling on the first day.

The atmosphere around her was so good that Luo Bi became energetic and happy.

Luo Bi couldn't explain why she was happy. Anyway, she was happy. It was like celebrating the interstellar winter festival. The family members of the garrison stopped staying at home and went out to chat and discuss the hunt.

Luo Bi likes to be lively. She can't stay at home anymore and wants to go out and play.

But Fengling said she wanted to go home, so Luo Bi didn't run out to join in the fun.

Fengling came in and took a piece of World of Warcraft meat, which weighed about ten kilograms. This was something he could only get if he was very powerful and had to fight through higher levels. Hua Chen and Yang Yu didn't get a piece of Warcraft meat.

Luo Bi's eyes were bright and her smile made Fengling rare.

Fengling was from a noble family. Why did he take care of the family? It was because he had worked so hard for his wife and he liked it. As long as Luo Bi was happy, Fengling didn't mind bringing back all the good things to Luo Bi.

"Fengling, is this monster meat?!" Luo Bi asked obediently.

At this point, Luo Bi is ignorant. She can't tell what is Warcraft meat and what is exotic animal meat. Luo Bi can't tell the grade of the meat. If the seller fools her, he can fool her.

But Luo Bi went to the dungeon to buy things, and she was surprised that no one was fooling her.

Fengling smiled but was speechless.

Feng Ling gave a low "hmm" and told her: "It's Warcraft meat. I got ten catties, Leng Lie also got ten catties, Archon Pei Jing got twenty catties, and the others could only get different portions." Animal meat." (End of chapter)

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