Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4023 Level 4 Talented Master

Luo Bi was stunned for a moment, and then understood that not all monsters were as small as imperial pigs. Some monsters were as big as hills. If you hunt one, you will be rewarded based on your merits. A Thunder Flame Warrior can also get ten points. Kilograms of monster meat.

In this comparison, hunting large monsters is still cost-effective.

However, there are good and bad versions of Warcraft meat.

"What kind of monster meat is this?" Luo Bi looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see any monster meat.

After putting down the monster meat, Fengling still had to go out. However, Fengling was very patient with Luo Bi and replied to her: "The monsters of the Moo beast family usually have level five combat power. This is the primary level five combat power."

Luo Bi didn't know how to pretend, and she didn't want to pretend to understand. She said, "You're telling me this, but I don't understand either."

Beef, Luo Bi knows this.

She didn't understand Fengling but also cared about Luo Bi. She asked her to wear warm clothes when going out. Fengling came to the door and said, "It's been snowing heavily this month and the temperature has dropped sharply. Don't freeze when you go out."

Luo Bi nodded and put on the warmest clothes without Fengling's instructions.

"There are many types of exotic beasts to hunt this time. If you find the meat you like, buy it back." Fengling gave Luo Bi a sum of interstellar coins. During this time, Luo Bi refined the elixir and almost spent all the interstellar coins.

Fengling left, and Luo Bi ran back to the bedroom, wondering who would ask her to go to the Legion's first supply warehouse with her.

Luo Bi didn't want to go alone. She was thinking at home with all kinds of thoughts in her mind. She feels that she is not bad. As long as others don't plot against her or play tricks on her, Luo Bi is still willing to play with everyone.

However, despite the excitement, Lan Qiao, a big-mouthed person, didn't even come to call her.

Luo Bi sneered, she usually came frequently, but she didn't say anything when something good happened.

Fortunately, Luo Bi and Lan Qiao are not close to each other, they are just neighbors. Otherwise, this would be nothing.

Luo Bi remembered it in her heart. At this time, Wei Zi's communication call came over: "Luo Bi, let's go to the material warehouse together."

"Okay." Luo Bi agreed: "I'll go find you right away."

Luo Bi went out and drove a sports car, but women are delicate and afraid of the cold. Wei Zi said, "He Xiang and I went to pick you up. It's snowing heavily outside, and it's too cold to drive a sports car."

It was hard to force others to follow her, so Luo Bi nodded in agreement and waited at home.

The wind and snow in January caused the temperature on the planet to drop sharply. When going out, the small north wind blew into the face and hurt. He Xiang's luxury hover car has energy panels, so the women did not feel the cold.

The supply warehouse of the military headquarters was very busy at this time. There were sergeants and family members of the garrison. Anyway, everyone who had time came, watching with hot eyes as the packed exotic animal meat was brought down.

The gifted talents and gifted masters also came, and they no longer had to put on airs when they had meat to eat.

When Luo Bi came with He Xiang and Wei Zi, Qin Cui and Tong Shanshan were also there, as well as Jiang Xi'er. They were all acquaintances and greeted each other. This time Luo Bi saw a few older women.

"Those are level 2 or above, level 4 talent bonders, they are different from small talent bonders like us." Wei Zi said in a low voice, and then said with envy: "Look at how prestigious they are, and how luxurious they are in their clothes." ."

Luo Bi didn't feel Wei Zi's envy and only glanced at it.

He Xiang was quite talented, so he went over to say hello.

At this time, Zhang Wu'er and the others languished and remained silent. Fortunately, these few quickly took the best meat and asked the sergeant to carry it away. As soon as they left, the others started to stand up.

The meat of exotic animals was brought down piece by piece. Anyone who liked it would go and buy it. (End of chapter)

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