Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4024 Show off

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At this time, it was obvious that he had some status, he had a good family background, and he was quite respectable. Zhang Wuer was also a good lover. Leng Lie even sent a sergeant to help him run errands.

Fengling sent Wen Xiao over to find Luo Bi. Luo Bi was shocked and asked people to leave quickly.

Wen Xiao had a high military rank and was a direct descendant of a big family. Luo Bi didn't dare to let Wen Xiao run errands. She just had to know whether she was capable or not. There was no need to show off on such occasions.

Wen Xiao saw that Luo Bi really didn't need him, so he left.

A few talented people glanced at him and whispered about Wen Xiao's military position.

"His communicator is expensive."

When Luo Bi heard this, she didn't care. It was just a little girl's love for expensive things. If she couldn't afford them, she would just look at them and talk about them. That was all. There was no other use.

Soon, everyone was attracted by the meat of exotic animals.

Good exotic beast meat, such as moo beast meat and colorful exotic beast meat, these taste better. No one is stupid. They still know what kind of meat is delicious. When a colorful exotic beast is moved down, everyone crowds in. It's really It depends on robbing.

There was no need for the sergeant to run errands, she just had to decide what kind of meat she wanted.

Luo Bi was in a dilemma. Do you really want to go and grab her? !

If it doesn't work, forget it. If you don't want to buy it, let Hua Ran buy it later.

Luo Bi was struggling, so He Qian came, and He Qian became very powerful as soon as he came. They also had the support of the Thunder Flame Warriors. Luo Bi bought twenty kilograms of Moo Beast short ribs, as well as colorful exotic beasts. wings.

The colorful beast was of a decent size, with one wing weighing more than ten pounds. Luo Bi bought a dozen chicken wings in one go.

He Xiang wanted to eat a duck head. Although it was a duck head from an exotic beast, it still tasted like a duck head. He Qian went over to grab it. Luo Bi and Wei Zi also wanted a duck head from the duck beast.

Zhang Wuer saw it and asked for one. It would be up to whoever had the ability to grab the rest.

Zhang Yao and Lan Qiao, family members of the garrison, were naturally not as generous as Jiang Xing'er, a talented consortium. They only bought a dozen kilograms of slightly better exotic animal meat, and the rest bought exotic animal meat that contained very low nutritional energy.

Even so, everyone is happy.

Luo Bi gave half of the exotic animal meat she bought to her family. Fengling had no objection. The interstellar winter festival was coming soon. Everyone was busy and went shopping in the underground city when they had time.

For those who didn't succeed, by late January, the interstellar coins were all gone.

Especially talented people, they like beautiful clothes, boots, and jewelry made of gold, stone, and jade. Those who have enough interstellar coins even replace the communicators and small optical computers they bought not long ago.

Luo Bi didn't want to buy new clothes or anything like that. In the evening, Fengling put down her military duties, took Luo Bi and turned on the small optical computer, and accompanied Luo Bi to choose clothes and boots. The prices were really expensive.

Luo Bi was so angry that she didn't want it any more.

Fengling calmly bought a few sets of fairy clothes and came back. When Luo Bi saw the prices, she felt heartbroken. Fortunately, it was the Interstellar Winter Festival and everyone started to give out gifts.

Luo Bi was reluctant to accept red envelopes every day, and began to think about returning gifts.

Fengling naturally didn't let Luo Bi worry about this, but Luo Bi looked serious: "If you have a normal relationship, you return the gift. General Qi Lan, please leave them alone. I'll prepare the return gift."

Damn, not all of them want to show off in front of others and scare them to death.

As long as Luo Bi has her heart, she is the best at returning the favor.

Fengling thought for a moment and agreed: "That's fine."

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