Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4025: People around you are happily surprised

Fengling knew what Luo Bi probably had.

The most valuable ones are those little red chicken monsters.

However, Fengling glanced at the smiling Luo Bi and felt that it should be more than that.

However, Fengling really couldn't think of anything else at home that would make Luo Bi so interested in a return gift. Being so happy would definitely surprise those around her.

Luo Bi rubbed her paws, well, who should I scare first? !

Uh, no, who should I give the gift to in return first?

Wen Yao, Luo Jie, Qin Yilang and others were not stingy, and they gave away good things, including various jade and gold stones. Leng Lie also gave her a piece of warm jade, which was lustrous and round. At first glance, it was the top grade of jade.

Don't mention the price, some things have a price but no market.

Admiral Qi and Bai Nanfeng gave him a new type of small optical brain and communicator, which were inlaid with jade. Then they gave Luo Bi a red envelope. They also gave some jadeite stones. Forget about the refining materials. They couldn't bear it. Luo Bi ho ho.

Patriarch Luo and Mr. Zhu gave her red envelopes. Since Luo Bi got the bird last time, she hasn't gone out to play at home. After two or three months, she has become estranged from her clan members.

Luo's old family leader gave her 20 million interstellar coins. Luo Bi was a little surprised. Since they were all estranged, she should just stay away. Why was it necessary to give her interstellar coins again? Luo Bi couldn't decide how to treat her clan members, so she planned to let them go first. put.

Luo Bi hadn't thought about it yet and was thinking about how to return the gift at home.

Since Fengling agreed to let Luo Bi make the decision, it was hard to get involved. She got up and planned to go to the military headquarters. As the interstellar winter festival approaches, military affairs become even busier. Luo Bi waves her hand and lets Fengling go and get busy.

As soon as Fengling left, Wu Cheng came.

Luo Bi hasn't been with the Wu family for a long time, and among the friends who gave them Boxing gifts, the Wu family has been silent. Luo Bi thought the relationship had become cold, but she didn't expect Wu Cheng to come to give Boxing gifts.

Wu Cheng brought everything as a festive gift, including jade, ginseng and grass, and things to eat and play with. Luo Bi could tell that the Wu family liked to give ginseng and grass. These things feed people and the price is quite high. It can be seen that this This gift is a thoughtful gift.

"Do you like skin care products?" Wu Cheng sent a bunch of boxing gifts, and asked Luo Bi about her preferences. Before Luo Bi could answer, Wu Cheng said, "If you like it, I'll bring you a set next time." .”

Luo Bi: "...No."

"Eh?" Wu Cheng was surprised and said, "You've become mellow."

Luo Bi: "······"

Wu Cheng took out all the festive gifts and sat on the sofa. His eyes lit up when he saw the planted blazing bamboo tree. He leaned over and liked it very much. There was a bag of braised melon seeds on the table. Wu Cheng poured a small handful and ate it.

These braised melon seeds are watermelon seeds, which are salty and have the flavor of braised meat.

Compared with plant melon seeds, these braised melon seeds are slightly milder to eat. Luo Bi will not feel uncomfortable if she eats too much. Therefore, Luo Bi will buy a pack if she eats them. In addition, Luo Bi does not have any snacks that she likes to eat. .

The bag was very small, just enough for Luo Bi to eat and play with. At this time, there was not much left in the bag.

Wu Cheng didn't mind either, but Luo Bi felt embarrassed: "I still have fried river melon seeds at home, I'll put a plate for you to eat."

"Ah?" Wu Cheng was very surprised. He peeled a braised melon seed and said, "Do you still have any at home? After they were distributed to the clan members, after eating for so long, our family's river melon seeds have long been gone."

Wu Cheng and Luo Bi chatted casually. Thinking of the preciousness of river melon seeds, Wu Cheng waved his hand: "He melon seeds are rare. Don't take them. I won't eat them."

It's not that I don't want to eat, but I don't want to snatch Luo Bi's snacks. (End of chapter)

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