Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4035 Enough to talk about the interstellar winter festival

This gift in return really surprised Family Master Zhu and Mr. Zhu.

Can you not be surprised?

The Little Red Chicken Monster is a very rare bird. What the Thunder Flame Warrior values ​​most is the small colored crystals on its head. Now, the small colored crystals have been transformed into colored crystals.

It also has a head, which looks like freshly cracked pomegranate seeds.

After squeezing one head after another, the head of the Zhu family and Mr. Zhu could see that there were quite a lot of them.

Mr. Zhu said: "Count."

The head of the Zhu family counted them, even if he was not calm, he counted them one by one. The most annoying thing was Mrs. Zhu, who came over to help count the pieces. Then, the head of the Zhu family counted nineteen pieces, and Mrs. Zhu counted twenty pieces.

In this case, we cannot take it seriously.

"Count again." Luo Bi said at the side.

"Okay." Mrs. Zhu also scolded the Zhu family master: "You should be more careful."

Mr. Zhu pretended to be calm and went to sit on the sofa. In fact, he was not calm at all. He leaned up from time to time to take a look at how the Master Zhu and Mrs. Zhu were counting the colorful crystal stones.

The children just stood aside and watched blankly. The children also knew the benefits of having an extra colored crystal.

After counting again, the Zhu family leader still counted nineteen. Mrs. Zhu's number changed again this time, from twenty colored crystal stones to seventeen, which made the Zhu family leader stunned.

Mrs. Zhu manages the inner house and the family affairs, but she has never been so unreliable.

Luo Bi sided with the Zhu family leader and said to Mrs. Zhu, "You can't do it."

Mrs. Zhu didn't even say anything back, and went to arrange a chicken coop for the little red chicken monster.

There was no poultry nest at home, so Mrs. Zhu brought a bamboo basket and wrapped it in animal skins to increase the temperature to prevent such a rare little red chicken monster from freezing to death.

If he was really freezing to death, the head of the Zhu family would faint.

Mr. Zhu could no longer pretend to be calm, so he stood up and walked over to the Zhu family, asking: "Nineteen colored crystal stones?!"

The head of the Zhu family nodded: "Yes, nineteen."

"Okay, okay..." Mr. Zhu was happy.

Looking at the arranged little red chicken monster, Zhu Family Master and Mr. Zhu were very happy, and the topic in their mouths kept talking about the little red chicken monster. This exciting little red chicken monster was enough to talk about the interstellar winter festival.

While chatting, the head of the Zhu family was still talking to Luo Bi, which showed how much he valued Luo Bi.

Mr. Zhu and the head of the Zhu family were overjoyed. As for Luo Bi, they kept chatting about little red chickens and monsters. She turned around and told Mrs. Zhu about frying river melon seeds: "My mother wants to fry river melon seeds. Your family can fry them." ?!"

Master Zhu: "······"

Mr. Zhu: "······"

This is talking about the Little Red Chicken Warcraft Colored Crystal Stone, why is it related to the Heguazi? !

"We still have some at home." Mrs. Zhu was originally listening to the Thunder Flame Warrior talking about the little red chicken monster, but was interrupted by Luo Bi. She thought for a moment and said, "Then I will also fry a pot. You tell your mother, Come to my house and fry it."

The head of the Zhu family nodded slightly, very satisfied with Mrs. Zhu's arrangement.

"Some of our Thunder Flame warriors are also injured, and none of them have any powerful elixir." The head of the Zhu family brought the topic back again, and praised Luo Bi: "The gift from your little red chicken monster is so good, the colored crystal stone is comparable to Panacea.”

Who knows if it can be compared to the elixir? Luo Bi asked her concern: "How do you plan to eat it? Will you put ginseng and grass into the chicken?"

Zhu Xingbao's eyes lit up.

Master Zhu: "······"

Before he was curious enough, the topic suddenly jumped to eating? !

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