Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4036 If she gets nothing

The head of the Zhu family finally noticed that this child was too low-key to not take credit.

No wonder she was not favored in the family. Luo Bi discussed how to eat. The head of the Zhu family chatted with her for a few words, and then hurriedly went about family affairs. He got a little red chicken monster. Luo Bi could calm down, Zhu The head of the family can't calm down.

Luo Bi had enough fun at Zhu's house and returned to her parents' house.

The children kept up with them, and on the way up and down the hill, snow rolled all over them, but the children didn't care, they laughed loudly, and Luo Bi followed suit and played in the snow.

Luo Bi hesitated again and again, and went home to prepare the ceremony for the chief mentor, the bishop.

Don't think about the good things like before. It's just a more expensive gift box and nothing else. Luo Bi didn't have anything like a small partridge chicken to give. Pei Yang and Bai Juan also went to give gifts, so Luo Bi asked The child was carried over.

Luo Bi did not give Little Red Chicken a monster to her great grandfather.

Luo Bi likes to care about her tribe members more than others. She gives good things to others, even if they are as precious as a little red chicken and a monster. If others don't appreciate it, Luo Bi gets angry and gets over it.

However, the tribesmen were not good at it. As long as there was something bad about her, Luo Bi would remember it.

Luo Bi knew very well the family atmosphere of her tribe, so she didn't want to try to surprise her great grandfather. If you give it to your great-grandfather, everyone in the family will know about it, and some people will not like you.

If you have the ability, they will have high hopes for you, but when you lose the ability, they will treat you differently.

Luo Bi couldn't bear even a small expression, so instead of doing so, she should treat her talent as useless and keep a low profile, so that she could keep watching the tribe's various little schemes, but it had little to do with her.

Thinking so, Luo Bi didn't want to give her anything more, but she was getting married and her parents could indeed prepare a gift to take with her, but if she had the intention, she should also prepare one.

Besides, my great-grandfather was quite a nice person and had given her a big red envelope in recent years.

If she doesn't get rid of anything, she won't be able to make sense.

Luo Bi took a look at the things at home, and she immediately thought of Wen Yushi, but because Wen Yushi was not good enough, her great grandfather might not be able to use it. If she gave it to Luo Wan and Luo Sha, Luo Bi would be angry to death.

Luo Wan and Luo Sha don't like Luo Bi, and Luo Bi doesn't like them either.

I secretly don’t like it, but no one will say it out loud.

Let’s talk about the younger generation of the Luo family. Cousins ​​cannot tolerate each other if they don’t get along. If they are often together, they may quarrel, and they can’t pretend even if they want to.

Warcraft meat was the prey for Fengling's big hunt, and it was impossible for Luo Bi to give it to him.

After thinking about it, Luo Bi gave up and gave Luo Hang a sum of interstellar coins and asked her parents to prepare one for the head of the Luo family. Her elders were better at giving gifts.

This year, Luo Bi was extremely stingy.

Sending the Little Red Chicken Warcraft is another matter. After all, this is for the sake of the entire planet. It has nothing to do with Luo Bi's life. She does not want the current strong combat power to be weakened. Roger, Wen Yao, and Zhan Di must take good care of the injured strong genes. .

Protect the home planet and put everything else behind.

The Zhihuang Planet is just a marginal planet, not rich, and has insufficient foundation. If you want the planet to become rich, you must accumulate wealth little by little. In the past few years, the Zhihuang Star has been doing better.

However, it still cannot be compared with wealthy planets.

The two children went to Emperor Star on the first day and came back the next day.

Luo Bi's preparations for this interstellar winter festival were not heavy, but Lu Xianyu and Liu Qin gave her a lot of fruits and elixirs. (End of chapter)

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