Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4042 Why do people with spiritual intelligence like to come to the general?

Wen Yao didn't want to talk to Wen Fei and Wen Ya anymore, so he hung up the communication and went to the garrison base.

At this time, Wen Xiao, Jiang Yixin, and Li Feng were already looking for crazy at the garrison base. Fengling and Qin Yilang went to the garrison base headquarters. The base guard sergeant also saw Wen's little fireball carrying the fruit tree and reported it to the garrison headquarters.

Fengling and Qin Yilang saw General Qi Lan. From the big screen at the headquarters, they saw that the little fireball had already left the garrison base. Okay, Fengling dialed the message, and Wen Xiao and others followed him to find him.

The Wen family's little fire ball carried a fruit tree, which was very eye-catching, all the way to the underground city.

This time the little fireball was so angry that he was so angry all the way.

Why does it ignore the fruit trees planted by its little fireball? You only need to pick the fruit once, but you don’t have to worry about eating it. Did you grow it at home? You can eat as much as you want.

Even after I woke up, I was thinking about its fruit tree. Mom, I will pull it out and let you eat it.

Little Fireball of the Wen family still remembers that Luo Bi gave him colored crystal stones. Little Fireball disliked Huaguoshu and recruited the best ones for him. Since the best ones care about him, Little Fireball might as well make the decision himself and give them to the people he likes.

Little Fireball had an idea. Knowing that his cousin Xun Shao's family didn't want to see Xun Shao, he carried the fruit tree to Lan Xun's house in the underground city and gave Xun Shao some flowers and fruits.

Entering Lan Xun's house, Wen's Little Fireball grabbed flowers and fruits into a small basket, but Xun Laobao was gearing up to help Little Fireball beat someone.

Wen's little fireball waved his hand, "No, this little fireball is not the energy attribute balls that were exploded before. The little water ball is still crying. It doesn't even cry when it feels aggrieved."

The Wen family's little fireball became more and more angry as he thought about it, and dragged the fruit tree away again.

The small fireball was too eye-catching. When Lan Xun found out, he quickly got on the hover car and escorted him for a while.

It's okay now, everyone went to find the little fireball, and the Wen family's little fireball came back. Carrying the flower and fruit tree with wilted leaves all the way to the military headquarters to find General Qi Lan, Tang Shao hurriedly picked up the little fireball, fearing that the little fireball would get upset and run away again.

Fengling and Qin Yilang were also there, and Roger rushed over from the office.

"My mother-in-law, people who have developed spiritual intelligence like to come to the general." Roger said with a smile.

When Roger said this, Fengling and the others also remembered a few exploded energy attribute balls. They were so temperamental that they could die at every turn. At that time, the energy water balls burst into tears.

General Qi Lan and Lieutenant General Mi Yue who came after him took a closer look. Little Fireball didn't cry. That's why others don't cry. Fire-type people never get angry. Little Fireball dragged the fruit tree and grabbed the flowers and fruits on the desk. .

Admiral Qi Lan understood and quickly praised me gently: "Little Fireball brought me flowers and fruits. You are so sensible."

"I heard from Luo Bi that she also gave me a piece of flowers and fruits." Roger walked over, pulled a chair and sat down, getting close to the little fireball to coax it: "Our little fireball is really nice."

With this compliment, Wen's little fireball remembered Wenya saying that it was ignorant, eating its fruit, and saying that it was ignorant. The little fireball burst into flames, opened the small storage ring, took out a small machete, and chopped the fruit with a click. branches.

Roger: "???????"

Lieutenant General Mi Yue was confused: "······"

General Qi Lan looked at Qin Yilang and Fengling. Fengling and Qin Yixin said don't look at them. They didn't understand what the little fireball was doing? Meng Chi took a box of fire spiritual plants and gave it to Tang Shao.

Tang Shao's family has a soup ladle, which is more friendly to Little Fireball.

The little fireball cut off the fruit branch and handed it to General Qi Lan for you.

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