Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4043 Fall back

Don't Wen Fei and Wen Ya both like Little Fireball's flowers and fruits? All divided it.

Little Fireball cut down the largest branch for General Qi Lan. General Qi Lan had no choice but to continue. Little Fireball continued to cut down fruit branches. Roger and Fengling looked at each other in shock. The level of this fruit tree was not low.

"Little Fireball." General Qi Lan leaned over and coaxed the Wen family's Little Fireball: "Flower and fruit trees are very rare. Some people say something about you, so I'll take it out on you. We'd better plant the fruit trees back."

When Little Fireball heard this, he became angry again and cursed.

Why go back? Do you want others to eat the fruit that grows? It’s better not to plant it, and no one will eat it in the future. Little Fireball cut off another branch and gave it to Roger next to him. This branch is for you.

Roger: "······"

General Qi Lan didn't say that it would be better to plant it back. As soon as the admiral suggested planting it back, Little Fireball stopped picking at the fruit, cut off all the branches, and gave a branch to Fengling, Qin Yilang, and Tang Shao.

All the Thunder Flame warriors twitched their mouths, not knowing what to say.

This is deliberately not leaving any space for Wen Fei and Wen Ya! They were all divided, and not a single fruit was left.

Wen's little fireball moved the fruit tree and asked General Qi Lan, "Do you want it?" !

This is the fruit tree of the Wen family. Admiral Qi Lan can't take it even if he wants it. In the hearts of the Lei Yan warriors, Little Fireball is a child of the Wen family and cannot make the decision. The decision to give valuable things must be made by an adult. OK.

General Qi Lan smiled and said: "Little Fireball, be obedient. I don't want it. This is your Wen family's fruit tree. I'll send you back, or you might as well plant it back. Maybe the fruit tree can still survive."

Having said that, I guess it’s quite embarrassing.

It was too cold today, and it would be difficult for fruit trees to survive if they were pulled out. There were many small fireballs visiting the door along the way, and the branches were almost chopped down. But even so, General Qi Lan couldn't ask for a rare fruit tree from the Wen family. .

It makes no sense, he doesn't want to go.

However, Admiral Qi Lan's words made Little Fireball angry.

This fruit tree has the final say. If it is planted, it will be destroyed at worst.

No one could dream of falling back. The small fireball clicked and chopped the fruit trees into firewood.

"My mother..." Roger held his forehead and looked away.

Fengling was surprised that this temper was refined by Luo Bi.

Qin Yilang frowned. Although he felt that Little Fireball had a bad temper, Qin Yilang didn't say anything. What he said was not enough to coax him. If he dared to have a bad tone, Little Fireball would explode.

Tang Shao took the spiritual plant box and went over, saying to the little fireball brothers, "Eat the spiritual plant."

Little Fireball waved his hand and refused to eat. He piled up the firewood and picked it up. Do you want it? !

The little fireball knows that the wood from the fruit tree is used to bake things, and the baked ingredients have a fruity aroma. Whoever gets close to it at this time, the little fireball will be good to him.

Tang Shao thought about it, the general was too embarrassed to ask for the fruit tree, but he could still ask for the firewood. Besides, if the general asked him to plant it back, Little Fireball chopped the fruit tree into firewood. If he didn't want it, it would be an advantage for others.

Tang Shao said: "If you want, you can eat spiritual plants."

Tang Shao asked for firewood and gave the spiritual plant box to Little Fireball. Little Fireball hugged it and gestured. He had two top-notch ones in his family. They wanted all the good things. If they knew that Little Fireball had a spiritual plant. , I guess I will also miss it.

What the hell? !

Roger took away the hand on his forehead and squinted his eyes to analyze the meaning of the little fireball.

Then, Roger saw it clearly, and his heart suddenly turned away: "Then put it away quickly."

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