Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4044 The little fireball didn’t go anywhere

Little Fireball took out a spiritual plant and used it as a snack.

Then, put away the spiritual plant box.

Little Fireball: Put it away, it’s gone.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Good guys, Fengling and Luo Jie were really afraid that the little fireball would be like the energy attribute ball before. It was okay for Wen Fei and Wen Ya to eat a few of Wen Yaojue's flowers and fruits, but the little fireball didn't. So happy!

The same goes for Wen Fei and Wen Ya. They didn't coax the little fire ball well and just ate the fruits it planted.

Eat, I don’t even have to eat anymore now.

General Qi Lan was worried that this would happen again, so he gently said to Xiao Huoqiu: "This time you just come to me. I also like the flowers and fruits you gave me. Next time if anyone wants to recruit you, just do it." Come to me, Fengling or Luo Jie, you see, we have so many senior officers in our legion who pamper you, how can they not vent their anger on you? We are not afraid of anyone."

The little fireball whirred and chattered to General Qi again, but they hadn't left yet.

General Qi Lan hesitated and said in a consultative tone: "How about I talk to Wen Yao and drive them away."

Wen's Little Fireball waved his hand, "No."

Okay, actually, General Qi Lan doesn’t want to interfere with the Wen family’s affairs.

Wen Yao rushed over and came to the military headquarters, just in time to see the little fireball playing well. Wen Yao breathed a sigh of relief and dialed Wen Xiao's message to ask him to come back and stop looking for him. The little fireball didn't go anywhere and was at General Qi's place.

Roger came closer to Wen Yao and whispered: "From now on, when Little Fireball runs away from home, you don't have to worry about looking elsewhere. Just come and wait here with General Qi. Tang Shao will remember it too."

After saying that, Roger couldn't help laughing.

Fengling and Qin Yilang wanted to go back to the war department. Fengling said to Wen Yao, "If that doesn't work, send Wen Fei and Wen Ya back to the Emperor Star."

Wen Yao nodded, and then went over to coax Little Fireball to go home.

The little fireball nodded and followed Wen Yao. Fengling and Qin Yilang also left together. Little Fireball was still clinging to Wen Yao and said, "Hoo, hoo, ho, we still have tender ginseng grass at home, but we have to watch it carefully, don't let those two best ones pluck it out and eat it."

Wen Yao said: "Okay."

The little fireball suddenly became happy and flew whirringly.

If you eat one of them, it will pull them out.

Fengling and Qin Yilang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. They left the military headquarters and returned to the operations department to prepare for their vacation.

After Luo Bi heard that Little Fireball went to the military headquarters to find General Qi Lan, she stopped going and saw a heavy snowstorm falling in the sky. She went upstairs to go home. When she entered the living room, there were leaves and soil.

This was not easy to clean up. Luo Bi called the home robot to clean up the small branches, leaves and soil.

Afterwards, all the legions had a holiday, and there was no one free. At this time, we quickly made up for the holiday to avoid being rude.

Every household is tidying up their yards, and several more families have applied for this family apartment building. Lan Qiao, a big talker, immediately went to visit and got to know the person, and got along well with him.

Fan Yao didn't go because she didn't have time. She had to clean up the yard during the Interstellar Winter Festival.

Luo Bi went back to her natal family, and her cousins ​​​​sent to her natal family one after another. Some gave her meat, some gave interstellar coins, and some of them gave hundreds of interstellar coins.

Some people also gave one hundred interstellar coins. For example, the Tong Wan family, who always felt that they were very valuable in interstellar coins, gave them one hundred interstellar coins. These were interstellar coins given by her mother-in-law to save her face.

Don't let Tong Wan spend this kind of money out of interstellar coins.

Don't ask why, it just doesn't work.

Just like this, Luo Chang's family was still under control.

There are quite a few companies that give hundreds of interstellar coins. How many gifts do you want from an ordinary family?

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