Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4048 How naive

Luo Bi guessed that Zhang Wuer probably liked the feeling of being looked down upon.

Zhang Wuer has a sweet smile and is very lovable, and seems to be able to chat with anyone. Seeing her lack of airs, several family members of the garrison became enthusiastic when she spoke. She even said that she had fried melon seeds for them all to try.

Wen Yaoruo also said: "The river melon seeds fried in the fierce wind last year are the most delicious."

I ate this last year, but I'm still thinking about it this year. Luo Bi sneered and planned to go to the kitchen area with Fan Yao to check out the fire. Roasted seeds are usually cooked in a big pot with firewood to see how fresh they are.

"How rare are river melon seeds?!" a family member of the garrison exclaimed.

Zhang Wuer's little sister was still thinking about it. She looked around and asked, "Didn't you fry river melon seeds this year? You fried a lot of them last year, and they were crispy and crispy."

Immediately, some family members of the garrison said: "Who can have river melon seeds?"

She has never seen this little girl before. What a novel question to ask, who has it? !

"Why is there no fried food in the house?!" Zhang Wuer's little sister wailed, looking like she couldn't bear the food, and even said coquettishly to Zhang Wuer: "I don't like to eat plant melon seeds."

Zhang Wuer was also helpless: "No one is frying river melon seeds this year?!"

Qi Mei is older, but she doesn't say anything, but secretly curls her lips, wanting to eat river melon seeds, why don't you go to heaven? There are so many delicious and expensive things, but even if they fry them, they won’t be willing to give them to you!

Luo Bi was about to go to the kitchen area. Lan Qiao saw Zhang Wuer's little sister's expression that she couldn't eat anything, so she stopped Luo Bi and said, "Luo Bi, won't your family fry river melon seeds this year?!"

WTF? Luo Bi replied with a bit of ridicule: "I haven't fried it. I've been eating it for a year. Who else do you think will still have it? River melon seeds are so rare that no one is willing to open them and eat them. Your family has good conditions and fried ones." what?!"

How good is Lan Qiao's family? Lan Qiao didn't understand the meaning of Luo Bi's words and muttered: "I thought you were still frying river melon seeds this year. What's the matter? Everyone just tasted it. You're stingy."

It was impossible to scold her. Luo Bi smiled and said, "You are really interesting."

The family members of the garrison glanced at Lan Qiao subconsciously, thinking about everything.

Zhang Wuer regarded Lan Qiao as a little follower, his big ignorant eyes flashed, and he said to Zhang Yao with a smile: "Zhang Yao, you are the most generous. I will try your fried ones later."

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Zhang Wuer said that Zhang Yao was generous, but he was stingy compared to Luo Bi.

Zhang Yao heard this and was secretly annoyed that Zhang Wu'er was comparing her to Luo Bi, but he couldn't show it on his face. Compared to Luo Bi, Zhang Wu'er was more capable and had the support of Leng Lie.

"Okay, let's try them all." Zhang Yao tried his best to please both sides, then turned to Luo Bi and said, "Luo Bi, you can try it later too."

Luo Bi felt like she was in a mirror and smiled: "Okay."

Anyway, Luo Bi doesn't fry anything. She came to Qin Cui's house just to join in the fun. Zhang Wu'er and her little sisters put so much thought into it that Luo Bi wouldn't even leave, just to see what advantage they could take.

Luo Bi didn't care who she took advantage of, she just looked at how naive Zhang Wu'er was.

After the sweet potatoes were dried and fried, Zhang Wuer's little sister ran over, took a piece and ate it, looking like a foodie: "Well, the fried potatoes are delicious, Wu'er, you should try it too, it's delicious."

Fan Yao asked Luo Bi to eat, but Luo Bi shook his head: "I won't eat it."

Zhang Wuer stretched out his hand, glanced at Luo Bi, and put down the dried sweet potatoes.

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