Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4049 Do you have it?

Luo Bi almost burst out laughing, look, just pretend!

Luo Bi didn't want to eat, and Zhang Wu'er didn't want to be called greedy and couldn't talk. But she really wanted to eat it. After all, the food prepared by various stores during the Interstellar Winter Festival were all nutritious and energy-rich food. Eating it was good for the body, and higher energy could prolong life.

Under the persuasion of the little sisters, Zhang Wuer took a piece and tasted it in small bites. After eating one piece, he took another piece.

Luo Bi wandered around the kitchen area and the large balcony, watching the excitement here for a while, and then went to the kitchen area to watch the fire. Those who lighted the fire were usually those who did housework at home, and were better than those who talked.

The fried seeds from Fan Yao and Lan Qiao's family turned out fine. Zhang Wu'er and her little sisters can eat more and wait for the beans from other families of the garrison families to be fried. Some beans are good and the fried ones are particularly delicious.

One of Zhang Wu'er's little sisters was very thoughtful, so she used Zhang Wu'er as a raft and took a paper bag to put some in: "Wu'er, these fried beans are delicious, take a handful back to eat."

This is really true, Luo Bi is speechless.

But this time I ran into trouble, and the other party stopped me: "My star family is still hosting guests during the winter festival. It's okay for you to try a few, but don't show off. If you don't have enough, go home and fry the beans."

As soon as these words came out, the little sister gave the garrison family member a fierce look.

Zhang Wuer wanted to be embarrassed, and his pretty face turned red with embarrassment.

"She is joking with you." Zhang Wuer pulled the little sister aside and winked at the reluctant little sister.

The little sister rolled her eyes at each other several times: "I've never seen anyone so stingy."

The other party didn't say anything. If you say she is stingy, you are stingy, but don't try to pretend to be her fried beans. Their nutritious and energy ingredients are all eaten deliberately, so how can they just let others pretend to eat them? It makes her feel bad to eat them.

The atmosphere was so noisy that everyone was a little embarrassed.

Some garrison family members think this garrison family member is stingy. Even if they don't want to, just don't show the ingredients next time. There is no need to say it. Where does this leave the little girl's face? !

Qi Mei didn't think so. She had to have a certain temper when eating. Zhang Wuer relied on her talent and her status as Leng Lie's little lover. Who was her little sister? Also eating and pretending.

Did I give you face? !

These talented people take themselves too seriously and think that everyone will spoil her.

Luo Bi stayed for a long time and didn't get close to anyone. Others cooked the ingredients, and Luo Bi tasted them if they were enthusiastic. If they were just polite, Luo Bi wouldn't eat.

Luo Bi went home at noon, and she was still wondering why Zhang Wuer didn't go home to celebrate the Interstellar Winter Festival.

In the afternoon, Luo Bi's family braised meat and fried fried goods. Luo Bi went over to have a meal.

Back... Oh my god, my head felt heavy. Luo Bi quickly washed up and went to bed.

Fengling went back to the bedroom and took a look. Luo Bi was sleeping deeply. The man tucked her into the quilt and sighed softly. Luo Bi's mental and soul power were so weak that she could only let Zhan Yi slowly adjust them.

The next day, there were fried flowers in the family apartment area all morning.

Luo Bi only ran out for a walk, and a little Thunder Flame warrior asked her: "Have you finished blowing up your scale flowers? Why don't you blow up the scale flowers? My mother bought me a very fried one. Do you have any?" ?!"

It’s so rare to buy it! Luo Bi said disdainfully: "What do I want to see?"

A few children ran away, plucked from the small cardboard box on the rock, and brought two very explosive ones over: "Do you have these?"

Luo Bi glanced at it: "I don't have it."

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