Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4051 Talent World

Fengling organized various gatherings and accompanied Luo Bi to her parents' home.

When the children of the Zhu family heard about it, they all ran to Luo Bi to play. Because the children of the Zhu family were well raised, they wanted to grow up longer than ordinary children.

The elder Zhu Xingzhi is five or six years old, and the younger one is two or three years old. They all speak in babyish voices.

He also called people in the yard: "Luo Bi!"

Luo Bi: "······"

Her playmate was so young that it was really funny to watch.

Fengling raised her lips and said, "I'm calling you, go and play."

Luo Bi went out to socialize with her little playmates with a smile. Fengling and Luo Bi had been married for more than a year. At first, she was a little bit confused when she saw Luo Bi playing with children.

Nowadays, Fengling is happy to see Luo Bi playing with children. At the very least, playing with children takes less effort and Luo Bi will not be upset or happy. The world of talent is really not suitable for Luo Bi.

It has nothing to do with talent, it's just simply not suitable.

Are you saying that Luo Bi's talent is useless? Fei Ling laughed, "Hey, it's impossible for Luo Bi's talent to be useless. It's just that her talent is mixed. In this way, her talent and ability cannot be improved."

If Luo Bi could be as happy as when she first got married, Fengling wouldn't mind using her connections to improve Luo Bi's status, but Luo Bi didn't need it, so Fengling had no choice but to give up.

Wen Yao and Luo Jie returned to the Zhihuang Planet from the Emperor Star. Zhan Di did not come back. He had good luck and had a cousin Zhan Yi who was proficient in medical skills. This time he returned to the Emperor Star to cultivate strong genes and also I want to stabilize my combat power.

"Zhan Di will be back in a few days," Wen Yao said.

Luo Bi immediately thought of the herbal medicine she drank. There was still one month left, so there was no need to worry. She felt that the effect of taking it for so long was already obvious. After taking this month's medicine, she would see if she could stop taking it.

"What's your affinity level?" Roger turned to ask Robbie.

Luo Bi was stunned, how could she know.

Fengling was silent. He didn't know. Roger's mouth twitched and he said, "I think you have no talent but can still grow vegetables with relatively mild nutritional energy. This time when I returned to Emperor Star, I brought you a few level four seeds. You can try planting it and see if it can sprout."

He wanted level 2 seeds, but as a result, the clan only had level 4 seeds.

As for Luo Bi, who had not studied at Emperor Star Talent Academy for a few days, it would be difficult to plant level four seeds, but Luo Bi seemed to be a very suitable woman for planting, so Roger gave them to Luo Bi.

"Level 4 seeds?" Luo Bi asked amusedly, "Can I grow them?"

Roger was speechless. Who knew that Luo Bi was Fengling's wife, which was different from Zhang Wu'er. He and Fengling were childhood friends and good friends. It would be hard to bring nothing with you when you go back to Emperor Star. It's a holiday, not.

Giving things to Luo Bi was just for Fengling's sake.

Fengling said: "Just plant it for fun."

Luo Bi collected the fourth-level seeds and squeezed them in her hand. Damn, I guess there won’t be too many seeds. Even if it’s a pack, they’re all just to fool people. There are only a few in a pack. Ten seeds are enough. Not bad.

After the interstellar cold season, it is spring. Spring is the shortest of all seasons, but it is the season when everything recovers and is suitable for planting. Anyone who has some ideas will start planting at this time.

Farming is hard work, and some talented people don't like it, but if they get high-level seeds, they are willing to put down their efforts and farm.

Therefore, there is no need to pretend, as long as the benefits are great enough, the talented bonder will also plant them.

This is the world of geniuses, who like to scheming and competing for interests.

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