Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4052 No one can worry

Luo Bi thinks that with her talent, it would be difficult to plant level four seeds.

She is suitable for planting for fun. She can't plant the seeds given by the Talent Academy and the seeds with grades. The low germination rate is just a courtesy. From the time she went to Emperor Star Talent Academy to now, she has not bothered with planting. A flower comes.

Of course, the use of medicinal dregs and ash is not included.

Luo Bi can plant the kind of seeds that she keeps for herself, the ordinary seeds that have no level.

However, this fourth-level seed was a rare seed in the eyes of talented people. Luo Bi couldn't take it seriously. She didn't take the fourth-level seed seriously because of her family background.

Luo Bi knew the importance, so she put it down and talked about it later when she was free.

As soon as Wen Yao and Luo Jie came back, Fengling went to the military headquarters with them. Some military affairs that had been put aside during the holidays could be dealt with appropriately now without delaying the party.

Luo Bi called her mother's family: "This is Luo Yuan's first year of marriage. Is Luo Yuan coming?!"

Guan Zhuting didn't know either: "The main house plans for Zhan Hui and Luo Yuan to come to Zhihuang Star."

The head of the Luo family valued Zhan Hui and planned to entertain Zhan Hui and Luo Yuan, but Zhan Hui did not come on the second day. The Zhan family is a big family, and to Zhan Hui, his relatives are more important.

Okay, Luo Feifan can understand, but Zhang Jiaomei pouted, a little dissatisfied.

The main house continued to prepare to entertain Zhan Hui and left the best ingredients to Zhan Hui. However, the next day, Luo Yuan called and Luo Yuan and Zhan Hui went to the emperor's house to visit her parents' house.

Now Zhang Jiaomei is really dissatisfied. Who is she looking down on? These three families only fawned over the Luo family of Dixing. Luo Yuan was about to go to Dixing when she brought her son-in-law back to her parents' house. Zhang Jiaomei complained angrily to her sisters-in-law.

Luo Heng's mother couldn't react as strongly as Zhang Jiaomei. When Zhan Hui came to Zhihuang Star, the clan members just got together and there was a lot of excitement, and she couldn't get the gifts that Zhan Hui brought.

"What's the point? You just think too much." As a bystander, Luo Heng's mother was calm and said to Zhang Jiaomei: "It's not like Luo Yuan won't come. Didn't she say she would come to Zhihuangxing? It's just an unlucky day. , a few days late."

Zhang Jiaomei fell down in anger. Looking back, Luo Jun also reminded her not to speak, lest the words would reach Zhan Hui's ears and Zhan Hui would have opinions about her, which would be bad.

No one in this family has peace of mind.

Luo Jun was also helpless. His strong gene was injured and he was really powerless in family affairs.

It is understandable that Luo Yuan takes over the main residence of Emperor Star, which is beneficial to Luo Yuan.

Luo Bi heard about this and smiled. She was not surprised at all. Her third uncle didn't say anything. Liang Meng didn't look down on the direct branch family at all. The children of the family all wanted the third brother to support him. It was strange that Liang Meng could look up to him.

Now that Luo Yuan and Zhan Hui are married, Liang Meng has more confidence.

Luo Heng's mother came to Luo Bi's parents' house to play. When she talked about this, she changed the subject and said, "Actually, it's not my fault that the eldest son was unhappy. He was preparing for Luo Yuan's arrival. However, when she didn't come, she didn't even say she would have a good life."

You see, if a person has a mouth, he can say whatever he wants.

Anyway, whether Luo Yuan comes or not has nothing to do with Luo Heng's mother. She can say whatever she wants.

Two days later, Zhan Hui's entertainment schedule finally reached Zhihuangxing. Luo Yuan called back. Early in the morning, the clan members went to the main house of the Luo family and were busy preparing the dishes to be fried.

Luo Bi didn't go, the whole family held Luo Yuan and Zhan Hui in their arms, and Luo Bi looked angry.

Damn it, go ahead and fawn over her, she won’t go. (End of chapter)

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