Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4139 Counting

Fengling raised her eyebrows and was surprised.

Everyone: “·······”

Doesn't this hurt? I estimate that there are fifty bottles anyway, and they are mainly fire-type and metallic-type, all of which are offensive-type, and metallic-type ones are especially in short supply.

Luo Bi picked it up every day, and found that there were no impurities in these energy liquids.

Just this, the number is staggering.

Qin Cui's heart hurts. It's not hers, but she still feels distressed.

Thinking about it again, Luo Bi is a person who can be dealt with. She really does her best when things happen, and she doesn't ask for anything.

Let alone others, if it was Qin Cui, she would take out so much energy liquid at one time, why would she ask for it first? However, Luo Bi didn't mention it, so what are those people who say Luo Bi is stingy doing? !

"That's enough." As the captain of the first combat team, Qin Yilang has always been calm, but now he was extremely excited. He was also thinking about the possibility of hunting two magical beasts. Qin Yilang said: "Your benefits are indispensable."

Luo Bi immediately thought of the division of the military department, and thought to herself that she should wait until the division of the army was divided! I don’t know how much the military department will take from killing a World of Warcraft, but no matter how the military department divides it, they will definitely earn a lot of interstellar coins.

Now the Leiyan warriors were confident, and Qin Yilang led the team down the rocky mountain.

The team that was still waiting and watching was torn, worried about casualties and jealous of the value of killing a monster.

Some people were unwilling to do so and were jealous of others going down the mountain to kill monsters, so they went over to investigate.

"Do you have enough equipment?" asked a young Thunder Flame warrior.

Luo Bi didn't say anything. Qin Cui couldn't help but ignore him and said, "It's okay."

"To kill monsters, it is enough to have enough energy stones and energy liquid, as well as elixirs."

Qin Cui sighed: "Oh, we don't have enough elixir."

The other party also sighed: "It's not easy to get injured after killing a monster."

There was nothing to say next. There was a space here, and people came over one after another, chatting and looking at the battlefield a few hundred meters away. At this time, a hunting team was fighting with more than a dozen monsters on the battlefield.

Qin Yilang and Fengling entered the battlefield and met a mutant fox. They didn't pick a fight, so they started fighting with the mutant fox. The mutant fox threw thunder and lightning, and everyone realized that it was a lightning-type monster.

Soon, Qin Yilang's hunting team was fighting with the mutant fox.

Luo Bi looked at it from a distance, scared to death, the lightning type was not easy to mess with!

"What's going on with Qin Yilang?" Luo Bi was anxious and muttered: "Choose another magical beast! You have to fight with a thunder and lightning type."

"I didn't pick it." Qin Cui became worried when Luo Bi mentioned it, "I fought with this one in the past."

"There are so many of them, let's change one." Luo Bi was anxious on the rocky mountain, looking at the monsters, and his eyes fell on the large colorful monsters: "Kill this big one, and don't fight with the lightning type. ah."

"Do you think you can choose to kill the monsters at will?!" Qin Cui stared at the battlefield with good eyes.

After a while, Luo Bi was concerned about other things. She stared at the monsters and said, "How many are there? Let me count them."

"One, two..." Luo Bi started counting from one end, and counted the two that were not far away. After counting, she was surprised: "At this moment, sixteen of them have come over, and there are still There’s a lightning type.”

Luo Bi has not forgotten this, and is very concerned about the lightning-type monsters.

The arrival of the Warcraft alarmed the alien beasts. The hunting team watching on the rocky mountain saw that they were all colorful alien beasts with relatively low combat power levels.

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