Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4140: Grabbing strange beasts

This is an opportunity to make a fortune, and the eyes of all the hunting teams and mercenary groups are red.

After checking the equipment, the team on the rocky mountain went down to kill the strange beasts.

Don't think about Warcraft. It's useless to think about it if you don't have that fighting power. It's absolutely impossible to say that these weak hunting teams and mercenary groups don't have any ideas. If they can pick up the leaks, that would be great.

That's it, nothing else is really possible.

The necessary conditions for killing Warcraft are, firstly, strong combat power, and secondly, sufficient equipment and resources, or the two must be the same. If they are all about the same, forget it.

"There are strange beasts." A talented man looked down the mountain and had an idea of ​​the strange beast he had killed.

"I have a defensive shield." A relatively energetic girl answered immediately, and then eagerly pulled her companion in and said, "Let's go down the mountain and harvest valuable things from the alien beasts."

As soon as the girl and her companions left, the others lost their composure.

"We'll go too."


Luo Bi only glanced at it, then turned around and continued to watch the battlefield in the distance. Damn, here comes another monster. It is a colorful monster. It is not small in size. When it digs into the ground with its claws, it kicks up sand.

It looked scary from a distance, and Luo Bi became nervous.

"Luo Bi, they all went to pick it up and missed it." Qin Cui also wanted to go down the mountain.

Luo Bi refused to go: "We stay on the mountain."

When Qin Cui saw that Luo Bi was unmoved, he suppressed his thoughts.

Next, logistics teams came down the mountain one after another. At this time, more and more alien beasts gathered. When the logistics team saw the killed alien beasts, they quickly started harvesting them regardless of whose family they belonged to.

Qin Cui was anxious: "It was picked up for free, let's go harvest it too?!"

Luo Bi glanced at the rocky mountain and saw that there were only a few people left, but the others had gone down the mountain to pick them up.

"I don't want to go." Luo Bi said.

"Why?" Qin Cui considered safety issues: "Don't you have a small defensive cover?"

Luo Bi became impatient: "Our hunting team killed magical beasts and almost no exotic beasts. What they robbed of prey was other people's, and they didn't rob us. So why should we rob other people's if they didn't rob us?! "


Qin Cui: "······"

Qin Cui couldn't refute this reason.

"But everyone robbed them." Qin Cui cared about the harvest, and everyone robbed the prey among the exotic beasts.

"I'm not going," Luo Bi said.

Qin Cui: "······"

Qin Cui couldn't explain how she was feeling. She just muttered anxiously on the rocky mountain, and then watched from a high position. When she saw others snatching the prey and harvesting it, Qin Cui became even more angry.

Qin Cui felt that she could make trouble quickly.

Qin Cuiguang was worried, while Luo Bi looked at the battlefield and found someone approaching his team that was killing monsters. The team that was killing monsters were all in a group, and if there were strange beasts that came into the battle circle, they killed them together.

Fengling and Qin Yilang also killed a few strange beasts. They didn't have time to pick them up, but someone from another team found out that they had something to gain and ran over to grab the prey.

Luo Bi's eyes were so good that she saw someone snatching one from her.

"Nima..." Luo Bi cursed.

"..." Qin Cui was puzzled after hearing this and turned to follow Luo Bi's line of sight. He also got angry: "What's going on with the gifted master of the Zhang family's hunting team? Their hunting team is killing monsters on the other side." , there is no way she should have picked up the strange beasts here with our hunting team."

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