Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4141 She went and grabbed it

Qin Cui became angry. You were stealing prey in front of your own hunting team.

To travel so far to snatch prey is to deliberately take advantage.

Generally, those who leave their own team to grab prey have something to rely on. For example, the defensive shield is powerful and high-level, so they don't worry about safety issues. This time the Zhang family followed an elder, and the defensive shield used by the younger generation was also of a higher level.

In fact, wealth can be found in danger, and some talented people will run farther to grab prey even if their defense shield is not high.

The desire to take advantage can sometimes overwhelm everything else.

As long as the alien beasts form a group, there will be more hunting teams. Once the hunting team has more prey, it will be more complicated to divide the prey. Therefore, this is a good time to pick up missed prey. Some can earn a lot of interstellar coins by grabbing prey.

At this time, the prey on the battlefield can no longer tell the difference between you and mine, but you can't fish in troubled waters with the prey that someone just killed and is right at the feet of someone else's Lei Yan warrior.

But the Zhang family's talented bonder didn't care about this. When he saw one, he ran over and harvested valuable things.

Wen Xiao and He Gan couldn't do anything about this. They were so focused on killing the monsters that they had no time to care about other things. Fortunately, the groups of alien beasts generally did not belong to the same group. There were also low-level moo beasts and the like, and one of them was robbed. It's not as expensive as grabbing a colorful exotic beast.

"Fan Yao actually snatched a colorful exotic beast." Qin Cui gritted his teeth on the rocky mountain. Seeing Fan Yao snatching the prey unhurriedly, he was jealous and angry: "She can snatch a whole prey, her The storage bracelet should have a large space and a high level, otherwise it would be impossible to collect a whole prey. Now she can grab a lot. She can grab other people's. We are all in the same garrison base, and Fan Yao has the nerve to go to us. The hunting team circles to snatch prey, and he usually looks careless, but he is just pretending."

"It's all in vain what you said." Luo Bi stopped staying on the rocky mountain. She turned around and left the position with the best view. She called Qin Cui and walked away: "Let's go grab someone else's. I saw that their talents are all gone." Go grab it from our place."

They all went to visit Qin Yilang's hunting team, but Luo Bi was rude. She didn't move because she was honest. If people didn't mess with her, she wouldn't steal other people's prey.

You are not polite even if you look at it, and neither is Luo Bi.

"Wait for me!" Qin Cui quickly followed down the mountain: "Why are you so anxious now?"

Luo Bi ran away with a smile, waving her hands and saying, "It's okay not to be in a hurry. I'll take back whoever robs us. Where do you rob it from? We rob the prey separately, and we can rob less together."

Qin Cui: "······"

I don’t even know what to say.

Before running down the mountain, on the slope, Qin Cui looked at the battlefield from a distance, and his eyes fell on the Zhang family's hunting team: "I'm going to the south. The Zhang family's hunting team has clan elders and kills a lot of prey."

Fan Yao was still traveling among the exotic beasts, collecting prey from other hunting teams and mercenary groups. He was now moving towards the Zhang family's hunting team. He guessed that he also saw that the Zhang family's hunting team had killed more prey.

Qin Cui thought about it. Luo Bijiao was pretty and didn't have much strength. It was better for her to grab the prey that was plentiful.

As he spoke, he ran down the rocky mountain. With parallel eyes, Luo Bi could no longer see the combat distribution of each hunting team and the number of prey killed.

But Luo Bi had a rough impression of what she had just watched from a high place.

Luo Bi pointed and ran in the same direction as Qin Cui: "I'm going to the southwest."

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