Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4142 High value

Qin Cui looked in the direction and said nothing else.

In Qin Cui's view, Luo Bi's contribution to this mission was not small. She snatched prey as she pleased, and she didn't mind coddling Luo Bi. Luo Bi only had to harvest a few exotic beasts within her ability.

"It's all sand." Qin Cui had sand in his shoes. When he had time to knock them out, he stagnated, moved his feet, and then continued running: "The shoes I bought this time are not good, there is sand in them."

Luo Bi stopped and stamped her feet: "Sand got into mine too."

Qin Cui stopped and waited for her: "I don't care."

Luo Bi felt her feet were no longer stinging, so she waved her hand towards Qin Cui and quickened her pace: "Run faster before Fan Yao comes over."

Fan Yao can collect a whole prey, and everyone is afraid. As soon as Fan Yao passes by, won't Fan Yao snatch all the valuable prey? Qin Cui also quickened his pace, this was not possible.

Luo Bi usually has no intention of comparison, but this time Luo Bi has the idea of ​​comparison. Since Fan Yao can also collect a whole prey, it depends on who can grab more prey.

Fan Yao shuttled among the exotic beasts, showing off her storage bracelet with a large space. Luo Bi always kept a low profile. No one knew who she was, and who knew how much space her storage bracelet had.

This was better. Within ten minutes, Luo Bi and Qin Cui ran to the edge of the battlefield.

The Zhang family's hunting team is on the edge of the battlefield, occupying a corner of the battlefield in the south direction. There are several small hunting teams to the south, mainly killing exotic beasts, and keeping a certain distance from those who kill magical beasts.

Among them, there is a group of people who are robbing prey, rushing to harvest valuable things from the alien beasts.

Qin Cui opened the defensive shield and called Luo Bi to rush to the battlefield to grab the prey: "Hurry up, an orange crystal beast was just killed over there, let's go harvest the orange crystals, I don't know what level that one is, the quality of the orange crystals OK."

Luo Bi also activated a small defensive array and looked north. Fan Yao was currently in the middle of the battlefield, slightly to the south. The battlefield was very large. It would take a while for Fan Yao to arrive.

With just this time, Luo Bi could snatch several prey.

Qin Cui and Luo Bi rushed into the battlefield and joined the harvesting team. A few people gave them a blank look and came to compete with them for prey again.

Worried that there was not enough to harvest, these people accelerated their harvesting operations, and not all prey was harvested. When they saw the valuable ones, they ran over to them, and some even started arguing.

They scolded each other without delay in harvesting the prey.

Qin Cui looked around and ran towards a killed orange crystal beast. She glanced at others warily, and did not forget to greet Luo Bi: "This orange crystal beast is of good quality. Let's harvest this one."

As Qin Cui spoke, he took out his machete, picked out one of the best quality orange crystals and dug it up.

There were teams grabbing prey all around. Luo Bi also took out a small machete to show off, and said to Qin Cui: "You can harvest this one. There are too many people here. I'll go somewhere else."

Qin Cui hesitated and said, "Don't go too far."

Luo Bi said: "I'm going far away, please leave me alone."

Qin Cui: "······"

Luo Bi ignored Qin Cui. There was another alien beast a few meters away. Judging from the fur level, it was of very low quality. There wasn't much valuable in the entire alien beast. Luo Bi went over and tugged at it, looking for the alien beast crystal.

Everyone was busy. Qin Cui looked away and was busy digging orange crystals.

Luo Bi didn't dig the crystal either, she was thinking about something in her mind.

At this time, there was only a "bang" sound, and the elder of the Zhang family killed a magical beast.

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