Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4153 Not even jealous

Hang Yifan laughed: "This mission is awesome."

Everyone looked happy. They were not jealous when others killed monsters on the battlefield.

Looking at the battlefield, there are only five monsters left. The number of the alien beasts is unknown, but as long as the monsters are killed, the alien beasts will disperse. Everyone is exhausted after killing the monsters all night and has no energy to continue killing the monsters. .

Fengling didn't call Luo Bi. Luo Bi was too sleepy and didn't come over.

Xue Changruo put away the monster with great effort. Qin Yilang glanced at Luo Bi and did not tell her to put it away. The logistics team that collected the strange beasts also came back one after another.

There were hundreds of people in their hunting team, so they didn't dare to get close to them.

Qin Yilang and Xue Changruo led the team to the Rock Mountain to rest, and then divided the magic crystals and valuable things on the monsters, and then divided the monster meat. The Rock Mountain was very lively.

After the division was completed, everyone was very happy with the harvest.

It was noon at this time, and the hunting teams and mercenary groups divided the meat of the monsters and began to barbecue. Only then did Luo Bi know that another hunting team would join in to kill the monsters, including Yang Yu's hunting team.

Each hunting team was having a barbecue, and Fan Yao smiled sweetly and went to visit the Xue family hunting team and other hunting teams. Fan Yao talked and laughed, chatting eagerly with everyone, and he was very popular at first sight.

But no matter how popular they are, people with noble births like Fengling and Xue Changruo will not give away Fan Yao's magical beast refining materials for free.

It is not easy for the Thunder Flame Warrior to kill a Warcraft on a mission. Everyone has arrangements for the use of the Warcraft, but no matter how they are arranged, no one will be foolish enough to leave a share for Fan Yao.

Whether Fan Yao is really sweet, beautiful or talented, Xue Changrao has seen many children from aristocratic families in the Emperor Star circle, so Fan Yao doesn't even think about getting it for free.

Xue Changruo wouldn't give it to him even if he wanted it for free. Xue Changruo didn't like sweet things.

Fengling, Qin Yilang, and He Yun were clear-minded and could not give Fan Yao anything.

Luo Bi was busy now. She stayed up and watched the excitement while waiting for the barbecue. Luo Bi's eyes lit up. She wanted to see who would be so stupid as to give Fan Yao Warcraft meat for free. of.

However, Luo Bibai was just watching the fun, and not a single one of the leaders of several houses was confused.

Fengling saw it and almost laughed angrily. She had never seen anyone so fond of watching the fun.

The barbecue on the grill was cooked. Fengling picked up the burnt meat, cut a small piece of barbecue, and brought it to Luo Bi: "Don't forget to eat if you want to play. Eat as soon as possible and go to sleep."

Luo Bi was indeed hungry. She took a piece of barbecue and put it in her mouth. She was still wondering: "Don't they all like innocent people with sweet personalities?"

Fengling's mouth twitched, and He Qian came over to get the barbecue. He was starving, so he answered after hearing this, hesitated and said: "To be honest, Fan Yao and Zhang Wu'er are indeed innocent and have no scheming. "

Luo Bi hummed and nodded with a smile: "Well, you are innocent enough to know that you want Warcraft. You are not stupid."

"Cough cough cough..." He Qian just took a bite of the barbecue and choked.

Li Feng's barbecue action was also a meal. Jiang Yixin and Qin Cui were waiting to eat barbecue. Qin Cui laughed loudly when he heard this: "Luo Bi, why are you so powerful?!"

He Qian likes sweet things, and Fan Yao's one is very suitable for his taste. To put it bluntly, he is innocent and sweet. However, let Luo Bi say this, Fan Yao is not stupid. He wants to have such a precious Warcraft.

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