Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4154 They are all interstellar coins

Qin Cui couldn't stop laughing, and He Qian was stunned.

Can someone who is not stupid be called silly?

That can't be done!

He Qian thought about it and smiled. Fan Yao was not his, so He Qian didn't care if Fan Yao was pretending. As long as it was pleasing to the eye, he didn't want to do anything else.

"Fortunately, no one fell for her." Qin Cui was thankful.

"No wonder you have a headache." He Qian said to Luo Bi, "You know what you are doing."

Luo Bi smiled and said nothing else. She was sleepy.

Who is Fan Yao? Who has time to talk about her all the time?

At this time, the tent was set up, and Luo Bi simply ate some barbecue, but was too sleepy to go to bed. This time, Luo Bi was exhausted. She was sleepy at the very least, and soon she began to snore.

Luo Bi thought the frog was croaking, and was stunned for a moment. Luo Bi giggled as she fell asleep, and she actually snored.

The sleepiness was strong, and soon Luo Bi fell asleep again.

The hunting teams of Qin Yilang, Xue Changrong and others had a meal and rest. There were still many hunting teams and mercenary groups on the battlefield killing monsters. As the number of monsters decreased, the groups of alien beasts gradually retreated.

In the middle of the morning, there were no more monsters on the battlefield.

The hunting team, which had not expended much fighting power, saw it and ran to kill the strange beasts excitedly.

By noon, most of the strange beasts had retreated.

Everyone who had rested looked down and watched. There were about a hundred strange beasts from all ethnic groups, but they were mainly colorful beasts. Now that they had rested, the Thunder Flame warriors hesitated for a moment and went down to kill them. Strange beast.

Luo Bi was still sleeping, while Fengling stayed on the rocky mountain and said to Hua Ran, "Go and kill the strange beasts."

Hua Ran hesitated for a moment and then went to take a share of the pie.

There are many hunting teams, and the number of exotic beasts is limited at this time. Every one is snatched and sold for interstellar coins. The value of the exotic beasts is not as good as that of Warcraft, but no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat, and no one cares about it.

When Luo Bi was awakened by the cry of killing, there were only a dozen strange beasts left on the battlefield.

Fengling looked at Luo Bi and dialed the communication.

Luo Bi went to wake Qin Cui up. She was already up. How could Qin Cui still sleep?

Lin Xin came over to visit, sat on a rock, and said to Luo Bi, "We will return to Emperor Star in the afternoon."

Luo Bi didn't sit down. She stood aside and said, "I don't know when our hunting team will leave."

Lin Xin nodded to show that he understood, and guessed: "This time, the hunting teams and mercenary groups have consumed all their equipment and resources. They should all leave, and they will not be able to collect supplies if they stay."

Lin Xin just sat down and said a few words before getting ready to return to the team.

Luo Bi heard from Lin Xin that the arrogant and domineering team that drove away the strange beasts died on the battlefield. In addition to this hunting team, there were several hunting teams.

Therefore, it is not so easy to find wealth in danger and collect supplies in the wild.

Anyway, if you just want to talk and smile at people, it might be possible in your dreams.

All my wishes have come true, so I have to live a good life in the future. Luo Bi was in a good mood and said with a smile: "You deserve it."

"What's going on?" Lin Xin was surprised: "How do you say they deserve it?"

Luo Bi told how the hunting team was arrogant and domineering. After hearing this, Lin Xin shared the same hatred: "It really deserves it."

Lin Xin stood up, said hello and left.

At this time, the battle on the battlefield was over, and the Thunder Flame warriors went up to the rocky mountain one after another.

Fengling hung up the communication, walked over and said, "We will leave Cui Stone Star in the afternoon." (End of Chapter)

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