Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4161 You can’t even buy it with interstellar coins

General Qi Lan bought Warcraft meat and was in a good mood. Now the Thunder Flame warriors stationed at the base can increase their combat power.

After sorting out the monsters, everyone went back to rest.

Luo Bi didn't know when Fengling would come back. Anyway, when she returned home, Luo Bi slept enough and woke up once in the middle of the morning. Luo Bi closed her eyes and didn't move, and soon fell asleep again.

In the afternoon, Wu Cheng's communication phone number came over and he hesitated.

"What are you doing?" Luo Bi asked lazily.

Wu Cheng was heartbroken and explained the purpose of the call: "I heard that your Zhihuang Star garrison base killed the monsters and the chicken and beef are still edible. See if it makes any difference. Buy me ten kilograms. I want to improve my combat power.”

After saying that, Wu Cheng added: "If you can't speak, just forget it, don't be embarrassed."

"I'm not in trouble." Luo Bi said.

Wu Cheng was confused: "...What do you mean?"

Luo Bi lost her sleepiness, her beautiful eyes shone brightly, and she got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom: "I'm telling you, don't tell others, I went on a mission to kill the monsters, and I also got a share of the monster meat."

Wu Cheng blinked his eyes, ecstatically said: "You also have a share? Can you buy me a few more kilograms?!" Thinking of something, Wu Cheng said angrily: "The Lan family's fourth-level gifted master is still dragging me with my brother, Lan Our hunting team killed a monster beast, and my brother wanted to buy fifty pounds of it, and the Lan family negotiated various terms. If my brother knew you had monster meat, who would buy it from the Lan family?"

Luo Bi protects her family and also protects her classmates. She said: "I will give you ten pounds. If your family wants to buy it, tell Fengling, I don't care about this."

"You're giving me ten pounds?" Wu Cheng shouted.

Luo Bi would not say it again, she asked: "Is ten pounds enough for you to increase your combat power?"

"Should it be enough?!" Wu Cheng couldn't be sure, and then he felt that the pie was a little unreal. Wu Cheng asked again: "You really gave me ten pounds of Warcraft meat?! You can't buy it without connections and interstellar coins. of."

Luo Bi was funny: "It's really for you."

Wu Cheng grinned happily: "Luo Bi, you are so interesting."

"Are you coming here to get it or should I find someone to take it to you?" Luo Bi said cautiously, not generously: "I don't trust you to take someone who is not safe, so why don't you come over here?"

"I don't worry if others ask for it." Wu Cheng got up and walked downstairs, continuing: "I told my brother that I can buy Warcraft meat from your legion, but you have to keep it for me! Don't sell it to others. .”

Luo Bi could hear Wu Cheng's importance and responded seriously: "I'll keep it for you."

Wu Cheng responded and hung up the communication. Luo Bi immediately told Fengling.

After hearing this, Fengling nodded to show that she understood.

Over at Emperor Star, Wu Cheng went downstairs and sat in the living room waiting.

The head of the Wu family came out of the study: "What are you doing in the living room if you don't want to sleep?"

"Wait for my brother." Wu Cheng was cheerful and told Luo Bi that he could talk about buying World of Warcraft meat. Wu Cheng fiddled with the small optical computer and said: "My classmate said that he would give me ten pounds of Warcraft meat for free. "

The head of the Wu family took a breath: "What conditions?"

"Given to me for free."

Head of the Wu family: "······"

The head of the Wu family didn't really believe it. After the interstellar winter festival, things to improve combat power and the level of talented companions were in short supply, and the prices were very high. They used to have a good relationship, but now their relationship has become cold.

Legions from various aristocratic families are constantly competing for natural resources and treasures. Can Wucheng's classmates continue to be free from scheming? !

The head of the Wu family didn't believe it.

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