Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4162 How can there be such a heartless person?

The head of the Wu family didn't believe it, and Mrs. Wu also shook her head.

Wu Cheng was also fooled by this. Wu Shao and Wu Shu came back and entered the living room.

Wu Shao asked: "Why are you all in the living room?"

Wu Cheng became energetic again, Wu Shao sat on the sofa, and Wu Cheng rushed over to talk about the beast meat. Wu Shao's eyes flashed, and he looked at Wu Niao and the head of the Wu family, and then they each thought about it.

Wu Shao asked Wu Cheng: "Is it free to give you monster meat?"

Wu Cheng didn't dare to nod anymore and hesitated: "Ah."

"Go ahead." Wu Shao turned around and told Wu Miao: "Go and buy Warcraft meat from the Zhihuang Star Military Headquarters. Let Wu Cheng go with you. He will be a classmate while you do your business without delaying anything."

When Wu Cheng heard this, he walked over and asked, "What should I bring to my classmate?"

"What do you want to bring?" Wu Shao asked.

Wu Cheng ran to Wu Shao's study, opened the drawer and pulled out a pile of cards and various consumer cards. Wu Shao didn't stop him, so Wu Cheng got bold, picked several cards, packed them up and went out.

The Wu family didn't care about him. Wu Cheng's classmate said he would give him ten pounds of monster meat. Regardless of whether it was true or not, it was necessary for Wu Cheng to take the trouble to bring some gifts to avoid being rude.

Wu Cheng originally wanted to call Xue Jiao, but after thinking about it he decided against it.

The Xue family branch produced a disgusting thing, and Wu Cheng also felt disgusted.

Cuizhuan Bamboo Garden is planted with various energy flowers, plants and trees, with mountains and water. The temperature in summer is very suitable for the growth of flowers and plants. Bai Yan Xingxing gave Zhan Yi a fortune-telling before the winter festival, and Zhan Yi stayed in Cuizhuan Bamboo Garden. .

Wu Cheng came over and used all the membership cards he brought to buy various expensive cosmetics.

Zhan Yi looked at it silently: "Bought for your mother?"

"I want to leave my classmate." Wu Cheng lay on the cupboard, watching the people in Zhuyuan put cosmetics into shopping bags one by one, and said, "It's not good to be empty-handed."

Zhan Yi turned his attention to the things Wu Cheng bought: "You bought so many things and spent a lot of money. Does your brother know?"

"I know." Wu Cheng glanced at Zhan Yi and continued to stare at the cosmetics: "My classmate said he would give me Warcraft meat."

Zhan Yi: "······"

Zhan Yixin? No way, he has no brains.

He bought Warcraft meat from the Luo family, and also paired it with a few bottles of precious cosmetics. Luo Wan cared about beauty, so she sold him Warcraft meat. How could Wu Cheng's classmates give him Warcraft meat that was in such short supply.

Zhan Yi dialed Wu Shao and said, "Your brother is a bit stupid."

Wu Shao: "······"

"I agree." Wu Shao said.

Zhan Yi: "······"

Somewhat embarrassed, he once scolded the two sons of the head of the Wu family.

Zhan Yi said: "When classmate Wu Chengzong comes back, tell me."

Didn't you say that you want to give away World of Warcraft meat? Zhan Yi wanted to see if Wu Cheng's classmates were serious.

Wu Cheng returned home with a bag packed. This kid was not stupid. Even though the little Lei Yan warrior was smiling all day long, no kid from a big family could be careless. Wu Cheng felt unsure at this moment.

Wu Cheng couldn't feel at ease no matter what he thought. Mrs. Wu saw this and encouraged him: "You call your classmate and test her words to see if she really gives you Warcraft meat."

The head of the Wu family was drinking tea and sitting on the sofa and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't give it for free, we will buy it, as long as there is Warcraft meat."

After hearing this, Wu Cheng did not hesitate and immediately called Luo Bi.

Luo Bi was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen area at the moment. Fengling was busy with military affairs and would not come back to eat in the evening, so Luo Bi was busy arranging what she liked to eat.

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