Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4347 There is something delicious

Wei Yu also planned this and took a look at Luo Bi's harvest.

Taking another look at Hua Ran's bucket, Wei Wei stepped to the main battlefield. The entire river was covered with supernatural attacks.

"Whoops." Roger laughed angrily when he saw Wei Yu coming back: "Are you willing to come back?!"

"I'll come back later." Wei Yu knew that Roger was shrewd, and the more he covered Roger, the more suspicious he became. Wei Yu stood still, waved his power to block the attacks of several blue crabs, and told Roger: "Don't count on me."

Roger sneered: "If you don't expect me, who can you expect? If you have the ability, call Jiang Yixin back."

Wei Yu joined the battle, and Qin Yilang, Qin Rong, He Qian, and Li Feng felt a little more relaxed. Wei Yu still wanted to leave, so he took advantage of the fact that he was on the main battlefield and gathered all his combat power to attack the river with a superpower.

"He won't come back." Wei Yu answered after using his superpower.

Wei Yun is fighting on the main battlefield, so Roger won’t say much. Jiang Yixin is a foodie. She has delicious food with Luo Bi, but she can’t call her back. Wei Yun finally came back. Why don’t you tell him to leave with a few words? manage? !

Roger would not do such a wasteful thing.

This afternoon, a group of super mutant shrimps and crabs came down from the upstream. They were mainly crabs that dominated the water. There were only a small number of shrimps. The so-called shrimp soldiers and crab generals had more soldiers and fewer soldiers, so the crabs were more powerful.

Many people in the team by the river were injured and needed elixir immediately.

Each team took the lead and hurriedly directed the battle. Fortunately, this group of mutated shrimps and crabs did not cause chaos.

"I knew there were mutant shrimps and crabs." said the experienced clan elder-level Thunder Flame warrior.

"What level of combat power?" asked the hunting team leader.

"It's more complex, but its combat power is not low."

"Let the other teams know, if you can intercept one, you will kill one."

At this time, the team located upstream first entered the emergency battle and mobilized combat power.

Those located in the upper reaches are basically big aristocratic families and relatively powerful mercenary groups. They have certain abilities in intercepting and killing mutant shrimps and crabs. All creatures in the water will be transformed into monsters as long as they have mutant powers.

It's okay for the water overlord to transform into a monster. If the number of monsters exceeds a certain number, the entire Shuixun planet will become the territory of the monsters, and nearby planets will suffer.

Therefore, they must all be killed.

Now, it's not about whether the gifted master wants to improve his status, but the situation is urgent. As long as you are a gifted person on Shuixun Planet, no matter whether you can do it or not, you have to set up a furnace for refining.

This rush to put it on the shelves can make some talented people who don't have enough refining materials anxious. As long as you apply, the legion will provide the refining materials, but if you buy the cauldron yourself, the legion will not provide the cauldron.

As long as you are from the alchemy department and you don't even have a furnace, the Legion will generally not consider it.

The entire river on the Xun River is in danger. Each legion has mobilized elite combat teams. If the legion is not on Shuixun planet, it is not necessary to mobilize troops, but currently on Shuixun star, all the legions of the aristocratic families must go all out to intercept the super mutant shrimps. crab.

"Oh my God." Luo Bi dragged her bucket away and looked at the river. The water was flowing loudly. She couldn't see whether there were mutant shrimps or crabs with special powers. She called Hua Ran: "Get away from the river quickly. .”

This is how you have developed strong genes, but don’t get hurt again.

Jiang Yixin stood ready, while Fu Jie and the others were on guard against the super mutant crabs coming down from the river while fighting against the super mutant crabs. Jiang Yixin and Hua Ran waited and watched for a moment, and then they all fired water balls and thunder.

The super mutant shrimp and crab also throw fireballs when they come out of the water.

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