Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4348 She is making a fuss about the furnace

Luo Bi looked at the river and watched the battle nervously.

The mutant shrimps and crabs with superpowers stir up the river water. No matter whether the current is turbulent or not, the river water is churning, and the shrimps and crabs in the water are very powerful. It is the mutant shrimps and crabs with superpowers that have not escaped.

This wave has just come down, and the combat team at the Zhihuang Star garrison base has just started fighting with the mutant shrimp and crabs. The number of mutant shrimp and crabs with superpowers is still small, so there is not a huge disparity in combat power.

Her chopsticks. Luo Bi opened the small defensive shield and ran back: "My chopsticks."

Jiang Yixin quickly gave the made chopsticks to Luo Bi, and Hua Ran also gave the made chopsticks to Luo Bi. Wei Yun's pair of chopsticks was coming back a long time ago. Luo Bi can use it, but give it to her after use.

"The river is dangerous, go back quickly." Hua Ran ordered.

To put it simply, Luo Bi put away her chopsticks and was about to leave. Her eyes fell on the bucket and asked, "Do you need me to take your bucket back?"

Hua Ran picked up his and Jiang Yixin's buckets and handed them to Luo Bi: "Can you lift them?"

Luo Bi nodded and left with the bucket: "Okay."

Humans and mutant shrimps and crabs by the river were fighting each other. Luo Bi ignored it and ran to a safe place. She changed the position of the bucket in her hand and tried her best to grab her own bucket.

Back at the garrison, the talented bonders were a little anxious. Those who took the refining materials were getting the refining materials. Wen Yaorao, Lu Zai and Meng Gan, who didn't usually do the refining, were a little panicked at this time.

Those who don't have a furnace cauldron buy a furnace cauldron, and those who have a furnace cauldron ask Jiang Xi'er how to refine it.

Luo Bi went straight to the small material warehouse, put away a few buckets, and strolled to the open living room. Jiang Xiner asked Tang Shao for the jade stone, and she wanted to extract the energy liquid.

Tang Shao disagreed: "Elixirs are in short supply, so it's not urgent to extract the energy liquid."

Jiang Xi'er left unhappy, and Luo Bi walked over and asked Tang Shao: "Do I want to refine it too?"

Luo Bi's talent was useless, and she herself felt that it was not good enough. She felt that no one could use her for refining. Apart from anything else, she was blowing up the furnace, and Luo Bi was worried that the military's refining materials would not be able to withstand her blast.

Luo Bi was worried that the military was afraid of her, so she had to ask first.

Tang Shao probably thought of it. Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Go and move a box of refining materials. Use a low fire and try not to blow up the furnace. Our planet has no foundation and there are not enough refining materials."

"Then I'd better stop refining." Luo Bi retreated.

Even if the planet has enough foundation, it can't stand her roar!

Others may not know it, but Luo Bike knows how powerful she is at blasting furnaces. It's so bad that even high-level talent bonders have to step aside. The problem is that now that all the talent bonders have been refined together, she can't blow up furnaces. Turn everyone into a grandma.

Luo Bi was embarrassed when she was covered in medicine residue and ashes.

Even if she and Zhang Wu'er don't deal with each other, they can't just cover their bodies with medicine residue.

Tang Shao looked indifferent: "Go and move the refining materials."

Is this for her to refine? Luo Bi's eyes widened and she threatened Tang Shao: "I'm really good at blowing up furnaces. I'll blow them up all over them. Tell them, I don't care."

Luo Bi ran to move the refining materials.

Tang Shao: "·······"

The refining space had rocks and flowing water, and several clusters of bamboo had been planted before. Luo Bi moved the refining materials, found a location, took out the required refining materials, and classified the spiritual plants.

Set up the furnace, put in the refining materials, and guide the flame to refine.

He Xiang is also refining, as is Hang Heng.

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