Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4349 Explosion Furnace

Luo Bi came up with a fire, but she couldn't control the flames at first.

"Mom." Immediately, Luo Bi adjusted to a small fire.

Zhang Wu'er was still sorting out the refining materials, and her little sisters were helping. It was obvious at this moment whether this person was popular. Among the few people, only Zhang Wu'er had a little sister to help.

It's not that He Xiang and Hang Heng don't have anyone to help them. The refining system is different from the planting system. They can find helpers. The refining system deals with spiritual plants and the refining materials must understand their efficacy.

He Xiang didn't dare to use it if he didn't understand anything.

Hang Heng was even more afraid to use it. She was worried that someone had ulterior motives.

The little sister who had not seen Zhang Wuer was helping Zhang Wuer while running around enthusiastically for everyone, as if she was a logistics worker. Who knows if she had any ideas about the refining formula.

Jiang Xie'er knew how to order people and said sheepishly: "Can you get me a glass of water?"

Zhang Wuer's little sisters didn't hesitate. This was the wife of the combat team captain Zhan Di. It was only good for her to be infatuated with her. The girl was eager to get close to Jiang Xinger.

"Okay." The girl turned to the others and asked, "Which of you still wants to drink water?"

Hang Heng hesitated and said, "Pour me a drink."

Qin Cui was refining it at this time and shouted: "I'll drink it too."

The girl asked again, pretending not to see Luo Bi and skipping it.

Luo Bi laughed, feeling somewhat uncomfortable in her heart. There was no other reason. People treat you differently. It's strange that you feel comfortable. In fact, it's understandable if you think about it. After all, she has a bad relationship with Zhang Wu'er.

At this time, Luo Bi was full of things to say, but no one was talking to her.

Feeling angry, Luo Bi stared at the flames for refining.

Zhang Wuer's little sister ran back and handed several glasses of water to He Xiang: "Water for you."

Afterwards, the girl ran to help Zhang Wuer, sat down and sighed: "Look how busy I am."

Zhang Wuer joked: "I'll treat you to dinner later."

The girl was satisfied and warned: "You must treat me to dinner."

Wen Yaorao and Lu Zai bought the furnace cauldron and moved it to the refining space. Zhang Wuer and the little sisters immediately gathered around, chattering to check the quality of the furnace cauldron and asking about the price.

Zhang Yao and Lan Qiao also came over. Luo Bi stood up suddenly, and the furnace started to smoke.

No one cared anymore, Luo Bi left quickly to find Tang Shao.

"Tang Shao, Tang Shao..." Luo Bi saw Tang Shao coming back from the river and immediately went to greet him.

Tang Shao continued the communication and stopped talking when he heard the words: "What's wrong?"

Luo Bi waved her hand: "My cauldron is going to explode. I won't care if it explodes and I'll be covered in ash and ash."

Fryer? Tang Shao looked toward the refining space with doubts in his eyes.

At this moment, I heard a "bang" and the furnace exploded.

Luo Bi's refining furnace was used to blow up other people. Suddenly, the ash and ash from the furnace did not benefit anyone at all. They were all covered in Zhang Wuer and Zhang Yao's group, and the group of people were stunned.

Not only were they dumbfounded, Tang Shao was also dumbfounded.

Tang Shao never expected that the furnace exploded like this, so no wonder he came to him.

what happened?

Zhang Yao and others reacted for a while, oh, the furnace exploded.

"What's going on?" Hang Heng was anxious and checked the furnace: "Mine is also broken."

Lu Ke stomped his feet: "My body is covered with medicine residue and ashes."

Zhang Wuer loves beauty. When he looked at the others, he immediately asked Wen Yaoruo: "Do I have any on my face?" (End of Chapter)

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