Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4387 Partiality

Fu Jie and Jiang Yixin fought against each other. In the middle of the river, a group of super mutant shrimps and crabs smashed into the super power.

The combat strength of this group of mutated crabs, shrimps and crabs with superpowers is no less than level two, and they are overlords in the water. Their superpowers can hit them far away. Wen Xiao and He Qian retreated a little, while Hua Ran and Wei Yi, who came over, Tang Shao joins the fighting circle.

Hua Ran, Wei Yun, Jiang Yixin, and Fu Jie led the team to form a defensive circle. Wen Xiao and He Qian returned to their respective positions, took their chopsticks and prepared to continue picking up the shrimps and crabs in the water by the river.

Luo Bi leaned over and took a look: "Mom."

Luo Bi couldn't continue to keep a low profile. She was impatient and wanted to dominate.

Luo Bi stared at the river, thinking that the shrimps and crabs in this water area were theirs.

There are so many rare shrimps and crabs with special powers. If you don’t catch them, you’ll be a fool!

"Don't catch shrimps and crabs yet." Luo Bi stopped everyone.

Wen Xiao turned his head several times and looked at Luo Bi, thinking that something was wrong with Luo Bi.

As a result, Luo Bi was not ready yet and ran towards the living room: "Just wait, I'll be back in a moment."

It was impossible to wait, so Wen Xiao squatted down, took advantage of the opportunity to use his chopsticks, and picked up the mutant shrimp and crab.

Soon, Luo Bi came back with a chair.

Fu Jie glanced out of the corner of his eye: "..."

He Wren paused in releasing the crab: "???????"

The others didn't pay attention and were all busy with their own business. Fu Jie didn't dare to be distracted and immediately turned around and fired a supernatural attack at the mutant shrimp and crab in the water. He was still thinking about what to do with moving the chair.

You can go back to the living room to rest, and you don’t need a chair to catch shrimps and crabs.

Fu Jie really didn't understand, so he called Wen Xiao as a reminder. Wen Xiao, He Qian, and Luo Jie turned around several times. Luo Bi couldn't move the solid wood chair, so she came to the river with difficulty.

"Do you want to catch shrimps and crabs with attributes?" Luo Bi asked everyone while looking into the water by the river.

As he said this, He Qian said: "Think about it, can't I catch it? I'm not as lucky as you."

"Ouch." When it came to luck, Luo Bi didn't know what to say.

Luo Bi moved the chair, looked around, and chose a middle position to put down the chair where several people were catching shrimps and crabs. It was a little to the south, and it was closest to Luo Bi's position.

There is no cure for partiality.

"Why did you move the chair?" After stabilizing the battlefield, Tang Shao withdrew from the battle and went to Roger's position south.

Roger's position is Luo Bi's position. To the south, only Tang Shao is catching shrimps and crabs, and then there are the combat team members, who are fighting and covering at the same time, trying their best to keep their voices down and make a fortune.

"I want to be king and dominate." Luo Bike was stunned and told everyone.

The chair was placed in the middle of the shrimp and crab catching area from south to north, two or three meters away from the river. The ground was not very flat. Luo Bi moved the chair a few times to get it right.

Tang Shao: "········"

You can.

"Ouch." He Qian couldn't help but laugh and teased: "How can you be the king and dominate?"

"Hey, hey, hey..." Luo Bi called Roger: "Roger, come here."

Roger had been busy catching shrimps and crabs. He didn't know what Luo Bi was doing. Hearing this, he walked over and said, "What are you doing? I'll catch a bunch of shrimps and crabs and then return to the main battlefield. You can't rest for a while."

Luo Bi stretched out her hand: "Give me the chopsticks."

Roger didn't move: "I just caught a few, and I'll give them to you later."

Luo Bi was anxious and reassured Roger: "You can't bear the loss."

Roger gave the chopsticks to Luo Bi, and Luo Bi poked the chair: "Sit down."

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