Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4388 There is nothing that is not rare

Roger: "······"

Tang Shao: "·······"

Roger was unmoved: "I have nothing to do."

"You can mobilize your troops by sitting down." Luo Bi held her chopsticks and stood on the hillside and said with a smile: "We are going to catch shrimps and crabs. I was worried that you would be tired from standing, so I moved a chair for you. .”

You see how thoughtful she is. She is using it for others, so naturally she can't burden Roger.

It was still drying in the sun by the river, and Luo Bi wanted to dig up a bamboo tree and come over.

Roger looked confused. He couldn't understand what Luo Bi said, so he simply sat down.

As soon as Roger sat down, Luo Bi quickly looked towards the river. The shrimps and crabs were moving in the water. With just one glance, Luo Bi discovered the majestic energy of the fighting force. She was overjoyed. This group of fighting force was not low.

"They all have attributes." Luo Bi pointed at the water and said to Wen Xiao and the others: "Hurry up and grab them with your chopsticks. Only the ones beside the water plants have no attributes. I think the others' combat power is not low."

Wen Xiao quickly looked into the water and noticed something strange happening in the water. The eyes of the Thunder Flame warriors froze, and they were surprised and happy at the same time.

Roger was no longer calm. He suddenly stood up and stepped over to see what was going on.

Luo Bi caught a glimpse of it and waved her hand: "Stay there. If you move, the shrimp and crab will disobey."

Roger was stunned: "······???????"

Tang Shao and He Wren felt as if they were struck by lightning, and were in a mess in the wind for a moment, mainly because they didn't have that much free time at the moment.

Otherwise, you have to think carefully about these meanings.

"The combat power is above Level 2." He Qian panicked and was at a loss for what to do: "How come there are people with combat power above Level 2 passing by the river? Mother, hurry up and catch them."

"Does it really have attributes?" Tang Shao asked again in disbelief.

Luo Bi nodded vigorously, made a scratching motion with her chopsticks excitedly and said, "These are all, run away if you don't catch them, be careful not to get hurt, catch them quickly, it's amazing."

Jiang Yixin opened her mouth wide: "Fuck."

When Roger saw this situation, he sat down again, guessing that this must have something to do with mysticism again.

He Wren's eyes lit up, and Tang Shao immediately arranged to drive them one meter away from the river to the river. Everyone joined forces and used the refined chopsticks to suppress the power of the mutant shrimp and crab, and took the opportunity to pull him up.

Luo Bi also took the chopsticks and ran over quickly.

Wen Xiao stopped Luo Bi: "This group has high combat power, so don't come to the river."

Luo Bi: "······"

If everyone catches her, how can she be cured if she is not allowed to catch her? !

The Thunder Flame warriors got busy. Shrimps and crabs passed by the river in the water. Their combat power was at level two or above. The fireball they caught to condense was as big as a red fruit, which showed that their combat power was about level four.

The newly born combat power shrimp and crab, the water-type abilities they hit are all small water drops.

All the levels of everything in the interstellar world are done step by step. Just think about it and get the highest level. Let’s play while you’re at it! How evil is this? It’s incredible for someone with level four combat power.

He Wren caught a ball of gold and was so happy that his hands shook with excitement.

Luo Bi watched from a meter away, jealous: "Did you catch a gold-type superpower?"

He Wren grinned, unable to suppress the corners of his mouth: "I didn't expect that our admiral would be happy."

Roger squinted his eyes and made secret calculations in his heart. Not only the generals of the Eleventh Legion wanted him, but also the generals and consuls of other legions wanted him.

In the galaxy, the rank of general and planetary archon have gold-based abilities.

Next, all kinds of mutant shrimps and crabs with rare powers were brought up.

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