Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4415 It’s really possible

Luo Bi just wanted to have fun, so she picked shrimps and crabs for Jiang Yixin.

Who still has free time to talk nonsense? The chat lasted a long time. Luo Bi stood up and said anxiously: "I won't talk to you anymore. I haven't caught a bucket yet, but you have already caught a bucket."

Jiang Yixin was delighted: "Where are you?"

Luo Bi pulled the bucket: "I'll go to the edge."

Roger glanced at He Wren and his pupils shrank.

Jiang Yixin waved her hand: "Then go catch it quickly."

Luo Bi trotted away carrying the empty bucket: "I have to catch it quickly."

Luo Bi ran past He Wren and placed the bucket farther away, where she caught it.

He Wren looked over, and Luo Bi slashed her claws: "I'll stop it for you all."

Regardless of whether it was leaked or not, Luo Bi planned to catch all those who swam in front of Luo Bi. Anyway, if they went downstream, the hunting teams and mercenary groups downstream might not be able to stop them.

It would be better for her to catch a shrimp and crab when she sees one.

He Wren raised his eyebrows. No wonder Luo Bi looked down on Leng Lie's little lover. Look at how stunned she was. She caught everything that the Thunder Flame warriors couldn't catch. He Wren didn't even dare to say this.

He Wren thought that Luo Bi was just talking. Women have no fighting power. Even if you use refined weapons, you will be able to stop them no matter how powerful you are. However, Luo Bi found a good position and took action.

Go over to one and pull the other one up.

Luo Bi didn't even have a choice. She was worried that there would be too many mutant shrimps and crabs leaking downstream, and they would become monsters. Where would they catch fish and shrimps to eat in the future? She had the tools to refine them, and she could catch all the shrimps and crabs.

Luo Bi has a good constitution and cannot do heavy work, but she can still pull a crab.

Pull a bucket and pour it into the river fresh basket.

He Wren was stunned. Roger walked over and stopped to look at the shrimps and crabs in the river fresh food basket. After a moment of silence, Roger praised her with a complicated mood: "You are really capable."

At this time, Luo Bi would subconsciously spread the credit and point to the center of the river: "I can't stop you in the middle of the Xun River."

She said that if she could, she would go to heaven. Roger got angry and said, "I didn't count on you."

I've asked you to pull it off. Are the legions just decorations? !

"Forget it if you don't count on me." Luo Bi was also tired from working and was no longer active.

Catch one with attributes and miss two.

The one she dropped was called a good one. Roger's nose was so angry that she was so angry that she could miss two of them with just one sentence. If these were the two energy attribute balls that Archon Pei Jing exploded, he would have caught them. The shrimps and crabs were thrown into the water again.

Not to mention, Roger felt that it was really possible.

Roger said nothing and went back to talk to Tang Shaoyi.

Tang Shao: "·······"

Okay, let the hunting teams and mercenary groups downstream do the missing things.

Is it possible that Luo Bidu was really expected to be intercepted? !

Working until noon, Luo Bi caught more than a hundred fish this time, including about forty that had no attributes. She originally wanted to catch them all, but Roger said he didn't count on her, so Luo Bi had enough, so she just left them alone.

She might as well catch them, they were rare and expensive.

Wen Xiao didn't catch as many as Luo Bi, so Luo Bi didn't go back to Chizhu Mountain anymore: "Wen Xiao, take it back to me."

Wen Xiao nodded: "Okay."

In the kitchen area, the ingredients are prepared and brought to the table.

There were mutant shrimps and crabs on each table. Wei Yun and Jiang Yixin moved the table back to the restaurant. They couldn't cover it anymore, so there was no need to cover it up. They ate with everyone in the restaurant. Only their table had more shrimps and crabs.

One person per person, not to mention how rich they are.

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