Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4416 Greedy

He Qian and Wei Yu were chatting and laughing, and when they arrived at the restaurant, it could be said that they were in high spirits.

"He Xiang." He Qian waved his hand: "Come to this table."

Guan Wei wiped his hands and joked: "I'll go too."

He Qian said: "Nothing happens without you."

Guan Wei snorted, and Lan Ze talked with Wei Yu, planning to buy some crabs with attributes.

Wei Yu still had to go to dinner: "We'll talk about it later."

He Xiang said hello to Roger and Lan Ze, and then went to He Qian's table. Hang Heng looked at it, not knowing what he was thinking, and then told Lan Ze about the amount of refining she had made that day. .

There are less than ten bottles of low-grade medicine and one bottle of first-grade elixir.

Lan Ze put it away, and Roger ate steamed crabs and discussed military affairs with Lan Ze.

When Wen Yaorao came to the restaurant, he glanced at all the tables. Luo Bi watched. When Wen Yaorao's eyes fell on Wei Yun's table, he was stunned for a moment and curled up the corner of his mouth.

Luo Bi pursed her lips and smiled, a bit sarcastically.

Only then did Wen Yaoruo realize that Luo Bi was looking at her. Wen Yaoruo was a little embarrassed, so she immediately pretended that nothing had happened and went to find Zhang Wuer, who had been sitting at the same table with Yang Yu's team.

Qin Cui was also there, and Wen Yaoruo looked surprised: "Qin Cui, why are you still at this table? The dishes on Li Feng's table are very rich. There is a grilled crab for each person. Aren't you going to eat it?!"

"Is it very rich?" Qin Cui stood up: "I originally wanted to eat with you."

Wen Yaoruo meant something and said with a smile: "If you don't go, all the good things will be eaten by others. When can't we eat together?"

"Then I'll go." Qin Cui left quickly.

Wen Yaoruo sat down, swallowed her saliva, and said to Zhang Wuer: "Their table also has nutritious energy fruits, grilled crabs, steamed crabs, and a large plate of spicy fried clams."

"Some people are greedy." Zhang Wuer smiled brightly and told everyone: "There is delicious food on that table, so just keep eating."

Wen Yaoruo knew that Zhang Wuer was talking about Luo Bi, so she echoed, "She's also embarrassed."

He Kan leaned on the chair and watched the fun. The Thunder Flame warrior seemed to have a clear mind, but he would not protect anyone, not Luo Bi or Zhang Wuer, it had nothing to do with them.

However, He Kan knew that Luo Bi caught shrimps and crabs. If Luo Bi caught them himself, how could he eat other people's food? !

Even if Luo Bi didn't catch the shrimps and crabs, there was still Wen Xiao. Given the relationship between Wen Xiao and Fengling, Luo Bi deserved to eat Wen Xiao's!

Zhang Wu'er and her little sisters talked bitterly, which was really interesting. Who knows who is greedy? Everyone eats together when they come to Shuixunxing. How can they not know who is greedy?

He Kan was amused in his heart, and turned to Liang Xu next to him and said, "Wei Yun and the others caught a lot of good things from the Xun River this time. Let's discuss with him later and buy a few from him."

Liang Xu took the crab legs and said, "Okay."

Lu Zai stared at the ingredients in Liang Xu's hands with her clear eyes, and said sweetly: "I also like to eat grilled crab legs."

Liang Xu: "······"

He Kan paused in his movements, and as soon as he said that others were greedy, he asked Leiyan Warrior for grilled crabs.

Liang Xu smiled. He was not afraid of dealing with this kind of woman. Liang Xu put the grilled crab legs off the plate on the plate in front of him. He stretched out his hand and broke off another grilled crab leg from the grilled crab and handed it to Lu Zai.

Lu Zai took it and hesitated to speak. The grilled crab legs had a lot of meat near the crab claws, while the one Liang Xu gave her had very little meat.

"This one doesn't seem to have much crab meat." Lu Zai reminded tactfully.

Liang Xu took his own grilled crab legs and ate them: "Just make do with it."

Some people still have problems after eating them.

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