Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4427 Who is relying on her?

Wei Wei chuckled, tut, Zhang Wuer can only be a little lover.

How else can you expect her to be successful? !

Fu Jie and several combat team members also sneered. They didn't care whether Luo Bi had any scheming intentions. They had heard that Luo Bi was very scheming, but they hadn't noticed it after catching shrimps and crabs together for so long.

Whether there is scheming or not, they did not suffer any loss.

Luo Bi did not rely on the refined chopsticks to take advantage of all the benefits. On the contrary, Leiyan Warrior felt that he had benefited. So, who cares what Zhang Wuer thinks, she thinks too much, no one should rely on her.

Jiang Yixin said: "Give her face."

"That's right." Luo Bi said with contempt, "If you give her face, she won't know what she is."

Some people take your polite words seriously.

If I praise you, can I take it seriously?

After listening to it too much, Zhang Wuer really thought that she was innocent.

You still disdain to be scheming, do you have the right to look down on me?

Luo Bi's words called Zhang Wu'er a toy, which was almost like poking Zhang Wu'er's nose and scolding him.

Wei Yu and the others didn't take it seriously. They would be annoyed if someone stared at them with all their petty thoughts. A curse would be considered a minor offense. Qin Cui frowned while eating grilled crab, but didn't say anything.

"The winter will be over in more than a month." He Qian and the others have known each other for a long time in Shuixunxing and have a good relationship. He Qian said: "While we are in Shuixunxing, we can collect some winter supplies."

Wei Yu nodded: "This group of mutant shrimps and crabs with supernatural powers are almost done. Let's go hunting in the center of the planet when we have time."

Jiang Yixin's face was full of excitement: "Then I want to catch a few more shrimps and crabs."

"Don't you have enough water-type shrimps and crabs to eat?" Hua Ran said: "You catch more shrimps and crabs with water-type abilities and earth-type abilities, and there are also shrimps and crabs without attributes. We don't have as much food as you. "

Jiang Yixin smiled and said, "You caught a lot."

At the dinner table, no one was interested in mentioning Zhang Wuer. She was not qualified enough for everyone to care so much.

Speaking of shrimps and crabs, everyone was chatting with great interest, and Luo Bi and Jiang Yixin were the best talkers.

Originally, Luo Bi could chatter, Jiang Yixin agreed, and everyone was talking about harvest. Naturally, the atmosphere was very good. Who could not be happy when talking about harvest? The dinner table was very lively.

Qin Cui ate, listened for a while, and asked, "How many shrimps and crabs did you catch?"

Luo Bi couldn't pretend not to hear. Neither Jiang Yixin nor Li Feng were stupid. They couldn't help Li Feng if they didn't give Qin Cui face. But when Qin Cui asked about the number of shrimps and crabs, Luo Bi still laughed.

What are you going to do? Will you tell Zhang Wuer later? !

Luo Bi smiled politely: "In the river fresh basket."

She caught it and put it in a basket of river fresh food. She didn't say the number of shrimps and crabs.

Qin Cui didn't ask, so he continued: "How many are there?"

Even the perfunctory words couldn't be heard. Luo Bi was even more amused and continued to go around in circles: "I didn't count."

Qin Cui was stunned for a moment, then said: "How many have you caught? I just don't know? You definitely don't want to tell me. If you catch more or less and no one wants you, you are still hiding it. What's the point of hiding it?"

Wei Yun glanced sideways, and Jiang Yixin became even more angry. He felt that Qin Cui's words were too embarrassing.

He Qian let out a "tsk" sound, leaned on the chair, and glanced sideways at Qin Cui.

Luo Bi also found it interesting. She knew she didn't want to say anything but kept her mouth shut, so she kept her mouth shut. She didn't want to say how much material she had harvested. Why did she tell Qin Cui? Wasn't Qin Cui sick?

Li Feng was not angry, he just said to Qin Cui: "Why are you so busy?"

Qin Cui was not convinced and closed his mouth.

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