Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4428 Combat Power Upgrade

Luo Bi had gained a lot of supplies and was confident, so she suppressed Qin Cui in terms of momentum.

If it was normal, if he was not convinced, Qin Cui would say a few words to save face.

Qin Cui was eating absentmindedly. Luo Bi didn't want to eat yet, so she got up and left with Wen Xiao. It was almost time to stock up on supplies for winter. The super mutant shrimps and crabs could catch one after another.

After arriving at the river, Luo Bi put aside her unhappiness after catching shrimps and crabs.

To be honest, the Thunder Flame warrior might not care about what Qin Cui said, and a cultured Mrs. Zhu wouldn't take it to heart, but Luo Bi is really not big-hearted, and she is petty.

Last time Zhan Yi came to visit, everyone caught a group of earth-type shrimps and crabs. The earth-type thunder flame warriors were naturally happy. Some of the war levels showed signs of breakthrough, and they even went to Wei Biao.

Whether you buy it or exchange it, you all want the earth type shrimp and crab anyway.

Wei Yu and Qin Yilang didn't need the fire-type powers, so they evened out the earth-type powers.

Jiang Yixin focused on picking up shrimps and crabs with earth attributes for Li Feng, so naturally none of them would be able to escape. From the moment they came to Shuixunxing, Li Feng showed signs of breakthrough in battle level and ate a lot of shrimps and crabs with the same attributes. , the battle level still hasn’t been upgraded.

Jiang Yixin gave all the earth-type superpowers to Li Feng. Qin Cui was delighted to see the quantity and also ate with him.

Everyone ate together at every meal. At the dinner table, Qin Cui still ate very carefully. She only ate meat and couldn't peel it clean. She threw away all the crab roe and crab paste. Jiang Yixin said something to her, so Qin Cui threw it to Li Feng.

Li Feng's face was dark, but he didn't like Qin Cui enough to eat her leftovers.

Jiang Yixin glared angrily and was too lazy to argue with Qin Cui.

"She turned a deaf ear to what you said." Jiang Yixin babbled to Luo Bi: "Now I get angry when I see her eating shrimps and crabs. My appetite is gone, so you can't be angry."

What can Luo Bi say? Is it okay for her to kick Qin Cui? That definitely won't work.

Luo Bi could only swallow the truth and advised Jiang Yixin: "You gave Li Feng all the mutated shrimps and crabs with earth-type superpowers. Don't worry about whoever eats them. You shouldn't worry about what you give away."

The ingredients have been sent out, but you still care about who eats them, and worry about Li Feng not being able to eat them. Isn't this just looking for anger? !

Li Feng is married, and there are some things that friends can't control too much.

"I'm just angry." Jiang Yixin said: "The Thunder Flame warrior has become stronger and can't get any good things. Qin Cui is good at it. He doesn't think about it at all and is just greedy."

Jiang Yixin is a foodie. He even gave Li Feng the ingredients to eat, but Qin Cui couldn't carry them clearly.

Luo Bi stopped talking. She couldn't wait for Li Feng to get divorced.

Besides, do you expect Qin Cui to save money? Difficult.

Talented bonders will only spend more and more interstellar coins, and they will definitely not be able to support them without a little wealth.

Luo Bi and Jiang Yixin had just had this conversation. At lunchtime, Fu Jie told everyone in surprise: "My combat power has been upgraded to a higher level, and I didn't get the earth-type super powers in vain."

Wei Yu and Qin Yilang were stunned for a moment, and then congratulated Fu Jie one after another.

Fu Jie was also happy. Then there was another Thunder Flame warrior on the edge of the battlefield who showed signs of breakthrough in combat power. There were many shrimps and crabs with earth-type abilities, and the effect of eating more was obvious.

Those who ate good food and went on missions on Shuixun Planet gradually improved their combat power.

Wen Xiao's combat power also showed signs of breakthrough, which was not seen before. It can be seen that eating more ingredients of the same attribute is beneficial to improving combat power, but the ingredients must be sufficient.

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