Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4433 I can still steal one from you

Wen Yaoruo ran to the river, strolled from a distance, and looked over here casually.

Luo Bi pretended not to notice and sat on the grass to play with plants. She had plenty of free time anyway.

Seeing that Luo Bi had gained nothing, Wen Yaoruo ran to the Talent Contractor Studio.

Luo Bi sneered. It doesn't matter if you like to be petty, but you'd better not let others see it. It's stupid or not. It just wastes her time. What the hell.

Luo Bi didn't want to pick any more. No matter what kind of fish or shrimp they were, as long as they wandered in front of her, Luo Bi would catch them. If Nima can't cure people, can't she also cure fish and shrimps? Don't even think about running away.

Luo Bi worked hard for a long time and caught three large baskets of mutant shrimps and crabs.

At this time, there were already hunting teams and mercenary groups hunting wild boars. Luo Bi asked from the Star Network if they wanted to change? Several hunting teams heard that Luo Bi had mutant shrimps and crabs with special attributes, and they immediately wanted to change them.

Luo Bi didn't dare to go by herself, so she asked He Qian to change with her.

When they arrived at the station of a large hunting team, the young Lei Yan warrior walked over and said, "How many kilograms of pork would you exchange for?"

This young Thunder Flame Warrior wanted mutant shrimps and crabs with special powers, so he wanted to trade his share of pork. On the Xun River, he killed a mutant shrimp and crab with super powers. He also wanted the Thunder Flame Warrior with the wood type special powers to pull it. Coming back, it’s really not easy to harvest one.

Therefore, the Thunder Flame Warrior didn't think much about it.

"Not for a few pounds." Luo Bi waved her hand: "I want a whole wild boar."

Young Thunder Flame Warrior: "······"

How dare you even think about wanting a whole wild boar? !

The hunting team and the mercenary group were lucky enough to find a group of wild boars. Their hunting team only caught a dozen of them. Now, they will replace them with a whole one. Do you have so many mutant shrimps and crabs with super powers? !

The young Thunder Flame warrior said: "Do you have the mutant shrimps and crabs with ten mutant shrimps and crabs for one wild boar, which is the water type?"

Women and children were lucky enough to pick up one or two shrimps and crabs on the Xun River. It was impossible to find more than one. The Thunder Flame warrior didn't believe it and wanted to trade him for a whole wild boar. The man was funny.

She did, but Luo Bi still asked: "Do you want the earth-type superpower?"

The young Thunder Flame warrior was stunned: "Yes, you can have water or earth powers."

"How many wild boars do you have?" Luo Bi asked first.

The Thunder Flame warrior narrowed his eyes, and Luo Bi sneered. She had no fighting power, so Luo Bi said, "Can I still steal one from you?"

The Thunder Flame warrior thought the same thing and said, "I only have two wild boars."

"I've changed them all." Luo Bicai turned around and said to He Gan, who was standing aside without saying a word: "Go and bring me a basket."

The young Thunder Flame warrior raised his eyebrows, a basket? ? ? ? ? ?

He Qian stepped to the floating car, moved a river fresh basket, and placed it on the ground.

Luo Bi opened the lid of the basket, because there were too many shrimps and crabs in this basket. As soon as the lid of the basket was opened, a large crab fell out of the basket. The crab was still condensed with fireballs.

The young Thunder Flame warrior looked dumbfounded. He has fire powers? There are also wind powers.

There is a large basket full of river fresh food, and you can roughly see the types at a glance. It is not clear what other types are below, but these few superpowers are enough to surprise the Thunder Flame Warrior.

Luo Bi didn't care about anything but the number of wild boars, and asked him: "How many water-type ones do you want? How many earth-type ones do you want? Do you choose it yourself, or should I pick it for you?"

Luo Bi has a soft temper and a gentle temper, and she will discuss everything.

She is greedy for other people's pigs, and they are thinking about this basket. (End of chapter)

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