Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4434 Still want to take advantage?

The Thunder Flame Warrior was determined to win: "I've changed all your baskets."

Luo Bi still said the same thing: "How many wild boars do you have? I can exchange you for three and a half pigs with this basket."

"One basket for three." The young Thunder Flame warrior bargained, squatting down and pulling out the super mutant shrimps and crabs in the basket. He became more and more excited as he looked at them, but his face didn't show anything: "It's not easy for us to hunt a wild boar."

At least the Thunder Flame warriors are capable of fighting. They are warriors born to hunt.

Luo Bi didn't think she could beat the Thunder Flame Warrior. She said, "It's not easy for you to be better than me."

Wild boars evolved from pigs 18,000 years ago. Their purity is higher than that of alien beasts, and their combat power is not as good as that of alien beasts. Finding wild boars depends on luck. In fact, it does not consume much power.

Luo Bi, however, had no fighting power, and could still catch mutant shrimps and crabs that dominated the water. There was a lot of luck in that, but in comparison, the Thunder Flame Warriors hunting wild boars were nothing to mention.

Young Thunder Flame Warrior: "······"

"Wait a moment." The young Lei Yan warrior went to call his friend.

He had a strong gene, so he got two wild boars. A basket of mutant shrimps and crabs with super powers was obviously not enough, and there was still one wild boar missing. His friend also had a strong gene, so he got as many wild boars as him.

This basket of mutant shrimps and crabs with supernatural powers is bound to be obtained by the Thunder Flame Warriors.

Luo Bi and He Gan were waiting. He Gan squatted down and pulled the fresh fish basket. When he saw the one with ice powers, his pupils shrank: "There is another one with ice powers. I'll keep this one."

Luo Bi leaned over and took a look: "Here you go, let you run with me."

He Qian smiled: "That's so embarrassing."

Luo Bi said: "If you don't want it, I'll just change it together."

He Qian quickly took out the ice-type crab, walked to the hover car, found a small bucket, threw it in, and put it at his feet. He got an ice-type crab for nothing.

Soon, the young Thunder Flame Warrior came with his friends.

His friend said: "I have two wild boars. You can't exchange this basket for four wild boars."

It's hard to say. Luo Bi wanted more than four wild boars. She said to He Qian, "Go and move another basket."

Young Thunder Flame Warrior: "······"

Another Thunder Flame Warrior: "???????"

He Qian brought another basket, and young Lei Yan became excited: "How many baskets of mutant shrimps and crabs do you have?"

Luo Bi didn't hide it either: "I have three baskets."

"Three baskets?" The Thunder Flame Warrior was shocked: "They are all of various attributes?"

Luo Bi couldn't say how many kinds of powers there were in the basket. She said, "Anyway, there are all kinds."

The young Thunder Flame Warrior went to call for people again, and called the captain of their hunting team, as well as the Thunder Flame Warrior who had a share in hunting wild boars this time. Hearing that there were super mutant shrimps and crabs, they all wanted them.

"We want all three baskets of yours," said the hunting team leader.

No problem, Luo Bi planned to exchange all three baskets, so she asked: "How many wild boars do you have?"

"Eleven wild boars, all big pigs."

"We have a large number of wild boars. Three wild boars will give you the ability to turn into shrimps and crabs in exchange for a basket."

Taking advantage of five more in this way, bargaining with each other, there is nothing wrong with wanting to take advantage. This is different from the kind of advantage that little sister Zhang Wuer took. It is also good to exchange for one more shrimp and crab.

Luo Bi still wanted to take advantage. Anyway, she could sell her mutant shrimps and crabs with special powers. She said: "One river fresh basket can be exchanged for four wild boars."

The Thunder Flame warriors sneered: "That won't work."

Luo Bi is not a real businessman, but she has no patience. She knows how to change. (End of chapter)

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